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[TRLog] Table 8 in TRLog Manual

Subject: [TRLog] Table 8 in TRLog Manual
From: (Dale L Martin)
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 00:14:57 -0600
> I spent a frustrating weekend with TRLog and the manual.....
> I'm sure most of it is my problem, but I couldn't find many of the items
> I was looking for in what seemed reasonable places to look.  For
> example,
> after a bit of operating, my wife asked me to turn of the *#$)#$
> sidetone
> from the computer.  No problem, I thought.  I checked the help screen -
> nothing there.  I pulled out the thick manual - fifteen minutes later,
> still nothing....  looked for "sidetone", "cw tone", etc in the index.
Gawd, but do I know that feeling.

I have longed for, pined for, prayed for a keyword list of some sort that
would point you to anyplace that keyword exists in the manual.  You say you
want TRLog to send the QSO-before message instead of the exchange to duping
stations anwering your CQ?  Sure, just look under AUTO.  huh?  At 0400,
after seven hours in the chair (not one potty break, either!), AUTO does not
come to mind very readily.

Maybe there's a word search feature in the TRLog Control-J menu future? We
got first-letter search...that's a start...if you know (and can spell, of
course,) the first word.

dale, kg5u

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