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[TRLog] WAE QTC receiving

Subject: [TRLog] WAE QTC receiving
From: (Clive Whelan)
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 18:33:25 -0400
Hi Udo,

<< Wouldn't it make sense if the software automatically sent 
QTCs a bit slower
than the QSO text?
Maybe also simply double spaces between time, call and number 
could help
keep up with full speed. This would be a more significant hint 
to when to
hit the space bar.
Europeans, what do you think? >>

Both are sensible suggestions I think, but as you say, what 
about Brand X?!

The problem for me is not copying at any practical speed, but 
getting it into the keyboard. My best keyboard speed at 
acceptable accuracy is about 35wpm, and this is simply not fast 
enough to take QTCs at 35wpm because of the brain delay. When I 
try "copying behind", Anno Domini has determined that I cannot 
retain time call and serial number if anything goes wrong, and 
then must ask for a repeat. Perhaps there are techniques to 
avoid this problem, but  a simulator is a prerequisite. I did 
try vocalising the exchange to make it as easy as for an SSB 
operator, but in the heat of the contest, that was not 
practical. Does anyone have any tips for the keyboard challenged 
not in the first flush of youth?!

<< And could TR be made to give a beep when this line appears? I 
stare at the
keyboard (not the screen) when entering QTCs and sometimes miss 
that it was
the last one. >>

Also a problem, but one trick is to press return twice when 
QSLing the QTC. If it is *not* the last this will do nothing, 
but if it *is* the last it will QSL QTC xxx/xx. Like you I 
*have* to look at keyboard and not the screen.

<< Remember there
is an additional 3 point penalty on every QTC line with a 
mistake >>

Is that actually the case. The wording of the rules is not 
entirely clear to me. It simply says ( from memory) penalty for 
QTCs which cannot be *verified*, which is not quite the same 
thing  in my book. Perhaps it is clearer in the native Deutsch?



Written Wed, 18 Aug 1999 17:27

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