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[TRLog] Version 6.38 release notes

Subject: [TRLog] Version 6.38 release notes
From: (
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 06:06:16 -0800 (PST)
             Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.38
                               16 March 1999

Version 6.38 - 16 March 1999.

 - Fixed name of domestic files for Wisconsin QSO Party.

 - Fixed WWL contest multipliers:

    - Grid fields instead of grid squares for mults.

   SEARCH AND POUNCE MODE in LOGCFG.DAT file.  This eliminates an
   incompatability with the name Control-J uses when saving this

Version 6.37 - 11 March 1999.

   it can be found on the Control-J menu.  If you set it to FALSE, you
   will have to use SHIFT-TAB to go back into the CQ MODE.

 - Added RSGB QSO point method.  This scores zero points for a QSO in
   your own country, 5 points for Europe, 30 for Oceania and 15 for
   the remaining continents.

 - Added NAME FLAG ENABLE.   The default is TRUE and it can be found
   on the Control-J menu.  When FALSE, the asterisks that appear in
   the log when you know the name of a station are disabled.

 - Fixed bug with unwanted CW being sent with QSL BUT NO LOG option.

 - Added - to send 1.5 * dah length.  This might be a cool chracter
   to use for your leading zeros.

 - Fixed summary sheet not working for Croatian and Minnesota QSO Party.

 - Fixed some reports not working because they were always looking
   for LOGCFG.DAT - even if you selected a different log.


 - Fixed band map cursor position if multi info window is up.

 - Added { character to send complete corrected callsign in call ok
   message.  Before, there wasn't a way to send the complete call
   of the station you just finished working.

 - Fixed null character appearing in multi notes.

 - Tried to fix missing grids from band map updates in Stew Perry.

Version 6.36 - Released on 14 December 1998

 - Added new startup command "TR NEW".  This will bring you to the menu
   to select a new contest.  You will also be asked what filename you
   want to save your files under.

 - When starting up TR or POST with more than one config file present in
   the working directory, a menu will be presented allowing you to select
   which set of files you want to use.

 - Added automatic CW exchange generation for ARRL 10.  Assumes you have
   MY QTH or MY STATE setup.  If you are outside W/VE, it does the serial
   number automatically as well.

 - Made MY QTH which acts the same as MY STATE in LOGCFG.DAT.

 - The band map will now update the multiplier status for all band map
   entries when working a new station.

 - Many fixes to WAE QTC routines if you are outside Europe.

   - Fixed bug if you made over 600 QSOs.
   - Allow you to view the QTC.DAT file with Control-L key.
   - Put note in log when a QTC is finished.
   - Improved some keystrokes to make sure accidents don't happen.
   - Fixed bug with improper initialization of QTCs when restarting program.

 - Added way to send a string to radio serial interface ports.   These
   are message commands, so you would program a function key to send
   a message to the radio as follows:

   <control-C>SRS=message<control-D>  - Sends message to active radio.
   <control-C>SRS1=message<control-D> - Sends message to radio 1.
   <control-C>SRS2=message<control-D> - Sends message to radio 2.

   Please see section 4.2 of the manual for more information on how
   to use the control-C and control-D commands in a CW message.

   For example, if you wanted to program a key to make your Kenwood
   radio use the narrow CW filter, you would program the following


   You would program this by using the Alt-P command to access the
   function key you want to program.  Then press control-P followed
   by control-C to enter the control-C character, then type "SRS=FL010009;",
   then control-P and control-D to finish the command.

   This command can also be used to activate the digital voice keyer on
   some radios.

 - Fixed bug with Alt-=.  If you turned off the CW monitor tone with this
   command while the tone was one, it would stay on.

 - Fixed last total line of POST L C not showing up (band/mode logs).

 - Not allow JA Prefectures > 50 to be entered.

 - Went to European distance for European VHF QSO Point method.  This
   routine gives different distances than the normal routine.  Will
   someone in Europe please confirm if it is working as expected?

 - SCP COUNTRY STRING allows ! or - at start to make it exclude countries
   instead of including them.

 - STDCFG.DAT is a file you can put in the same directory as your
   TR.EXE file and the program will always execute it as if you had
   used INPUT CONFIG FILE for it.  It is executed after all the other
   LOGCFG.DAT commands are processed.

 - Made POST's L P (pull computer ID into log) command process notes.

 - Added computer ID to notes added with Control-N.

 - Made " clear RIT.  This is because on most keyboards, you have to
   press the SHIFT key to get to the " character and it makes the RIT
   move when you probably didn't want it to.

 - Fixed POST's R L from crashing.

Version 6.35 - Released on 2 December 1998

 - Fixed a number of crash possibilities in some of POSTs report

 - Made TR READ keep computer IDs.

 - Allowed for the space character as a computer ID in the POST utility
   that pulls out QSOs made by one computer.

Version 6.34 - Released on 20 November 1998

 - Added MODEM PORT.  This can be used along with the multi port to
   allow connection of a second port over a dedicated modem off a
   second serial port on a computer.  Also, MODEM PORT BAUD RATE.

 - Fixed Control-F1 not working for DVP and DVK program.  Using Control-F1
   to Control-F10 will instantly allow you to re-record DVP or DVK memories
   F1 to F1.

 - Improved DVK and two radio stuff functionality.

 - Changed WPX QSO Point method to give one point for own country
   (regardless of band).  This complies with the new rules coming
   up next year.

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