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[TRLog] Limited distance MODEMs

Subject: [TRLog] Limited distance MODEMs
From: (Thomas M. Schaefer)
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 10:41:48 -0700
To take advantage of the new MODEM port option, does anyone know of a source
for limited distance MODEMS? In a past life, I used these things, but it has
been awhile. I am sure that Blackbox has them, but they are usually pricey.

I was think that the MODEM option would be good to connect two Field Day
stations together since we usually put the stations several hundred feet


Tom NY4I

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 10:57 PM
Subject: [TRLog] TR Log - Version 6.34

>             Release notes for TR Logging Program - Version 6.34
>                              20 November 1998
>Version 6.34 - Released on 20 November 1998
> - Added MODEM PORT.  This can be used along with the multi port to
>   allow connection of a second port over a dedicated modem off a
>   second serial port on a computer.  Also, MODEM PORT BAUD RATE.
> - Fixed Control-F1 not working for DVP and DVK program.  Using Control-F1
>   to Control-F10 will instantly allow you to re-record DVP or DVK memories
>   F1 to F1.
> - Improved DVK and two radio stuff functionality.
> - Changed WPX QSO Point method to give one point for own country
>   (regardless of band).  This complies with the new rules coming
>   up next year.
>Version 6.34 beta - to W6QHS on 17 Nov.
> - Added support for sending exchange in two radio mode with DVK.
> - Fixed Exchange F1 not being sent when pressing RETURN with call in
>   call window in search and pounce.
> - Changed LOG FILE NAME command to use SetUpFileNames.
> - Allowed ControlF1-F10 to also program DVK (not just DVP).
>Version 6.33 - Released on 12 November 1998
> - Fixed AltD bug - I think.
> - Fixed JIDX so you can enter prefectures 41 to 50.
> - Implemented MY PREC, MY CHECK and MY SECTION as LOGCFG.DAT commands.  If
>   you define these before your CONTEST statement, your CW messages will be
>   setup the same way I use them at W5WMU.  You will also be prompted for
>   them if you select the SWEEPSTAKES contest from the contest menu.  You
>   can get to this menu by starting the program in a directory that doesn't
>   have a LOGCFG.DAT file in it.
> - Fixed MY POSTAL CODE not being saved to config file upon start up.
>   This is used in the ROPOCO contest.
> - Eliminated possibility of INSERT window showing up with country name.
>Version 6.32 - Released on 30 October 1998.
> - Created POST U E C to allow clearing out a data field in TRMASTER file.
> - Improve startup of ROPOCO contest and created standard CW messages.
> - Added SCP COUNTRY STRING.  Here you can list the countries you would
>   the Super Check Partial feature to display.  If this string is empty,
>   countries will be shown.  If you enter some country ID prefixes, only
>   the ones from the countries listed will be displayed.
>   For Example, for the Sweepstakes, you might enter this:
>   You can edit this from the control-J menu.  The initial value is blank.
> - There were some changes to how the Control-J feature stores the
>   parameter names.  This shouldn't be noticed when using it.
> - Made IOTA QSO Point method to count 2 points if an IOTA is in my
> - When editing the band map a second time, the cursor will now go back to
>   last edit position.
> - When accessing an entry on the band map, the QSX and mult flags are
>   displayed.  These flags would disappear when an entry was selected.
> - The band map edit feature was broken when displaying all bands.  This is
>   now fixed.
> - Added WAG (Worked All Germany) contest and WAG QSO point method.
> - Made random CQs ignore messages that are blank.  Normally, messages
>   from F1 to F4 are used.  But now, ones that are blank will not be used.
> - Updated CTY.DAT file with latest changes.
> - Made ROPOCO test allow space in middle of postal code.
> - When using LastName - if the bottom entry in the editable log window
>   is blank, the program will now skip up to the next line with data in it.
> - Made European / Non-Scandinavian QSOs on low bands count 1 point, not 3.
> - Added QSO Point scoring for VK/ZL stations in VK/ZL contest.
> - Improved LastName to accept all numbers in Sprint.
> - Improved contest selection menu to allow you to start entering name.
>   This is much quicker than using the arrow keys.  If you mistype, the
>   delete key can be used.  This same type of feature has also been added
>   to the Control-J menu for quicker access to the parameters.
> - Change TenTen QSO Points to 3 (DX & TenTen), 2 (not DX & TenTen) and
>   1 (not TenTen).
> - Made NAQP process QTH while entering into exchange - even with name.
>   This fixes a common complaint about not being able to see the multiplier
>   need status until you press RETURN.
> - Fixed Chapter working in initial exchanges.
> - Fix for DX entries in Eu Sprint.
>Version 6.31 - Released on 7 October, 1998.
> - Fixed RST DOMESTIC QTH to do QSO number correctly if > 2 entries.
> - Fixed DIG showing up instead of SSB in POST routines.
> - Removed old N6TR Duping file generation utility from POST.
> - Eliminated possibility of 0460Z as a sunrise/set time.
> - Fixed up CALQSOW6.DOM so only one CA.
> - Added PADDLE SPEED command (default = 0 & Control-J).
> - Added COAX startup option.  Helps you determine electrical length of
>   coax if you have two consecutive low Z frequencies from your SWR meter.
> - Made 10 meter QSOs in VK/ZL worth 3 points (was 2 points).
> - Made ExchangeMemoryEnable control initial exchanges from editable log.
>   They were showing up even with EXCHANGE MEMORY ENABLE = FALSE.
> - Made MY STATE get used for initial INTERNET SPRINT exchanges (not ORE).
> - Fixed garbage contest name in contest selection prompt.
>Version 6.30 - Released on September 23, 1998.
> - PACC works for PA stations now.  Added PACC COUNTRIES AND PREFIXES
>   as a DX MULTIPLIER type.
> - Improved RSTAndDomesticOrDXQTH exchange to take its que from
> - Made QTH STAMP print country if no DX mults to deal with.
>   (2 ssb, 1 CW and 10 for W0EF).
> - Added WORLD WIDE LOCATOR (WWL) contest.  Added RST AND GRID exchange.
>   Added WWL QSO POINT method.
> - Enhanced sprint exchange parser.  Allowed xxx yyy zzz # name QTH and
>   also multiple number entries at end (uses last one).
> - Added asking for name/qth when starting sprint up.
>   Default is TRUE and they are available on Control-J.  When FALSE,
>   the radio information obtained via the serial interface is not
>   used to change band/mode of the program.
> - Fixed Alt-F function keys not sending message in CQ mode.
> - Fixed initial exchange when using tail end key.
> - Fixed POST R L to do any band/mode.  Same for POST L C.
> - Fixed USER 4 and USER 5 not working for USER INFO.
> - Added AN as legal prefix for IOTA designator.
> - Made summary sheet work for REGION 1 FIELD DAY.
> - Eliminated crash if hit Shift-Tab during middle of CQ QSO.
> - Fixed SendCW start up command.
> - Allow 57600 baud for radio interface.  This is an experiment to see
>   if it will work with the TS-570.
> - Fixed FT840 support (was broken by adding the 847 in 6.29).
> - Added SAC back to contest list.  BTW, there are now 59 contests!
> - Forgot to mention that the Yaesu FT847 was supported, starting in
>   version 6.28.
>Version 6.29 - 24 July 1998
> - Added MY IOTA - needs to be set to make QSO points work.
> - Fixed QSO points for IOTA for working own island.
> - Fixed ROPOCO QSO POINT Method.
> - Fixed 80 characater limiation to ARRL Log format.
> - Added CQ VHF back to contest prompt list.
> - Moved YT from NW to YU in P12.DOM.
> - Added summary sheet for ROPOCO contest.
>Version 6.28 - 5 July 1998
> - When using the TRMASTER update from a log (POST U E F F), the procedure
>   would hang if a callsign was found with a lower case character.
> - Made Digital mode and radio interfaces work together.
> - Added ARRL FD QSO point method.  1 for SSB, 2 for CW, zero for D to D.
>   Use MY FD CLASS to indicated your FD class (i.e., 1D).
> - Added ROPOCO contest (UK Rotating Postal Code).  Added MY POSTAL CODE
>   which is used in the ROPOCO contest as the first postal code sent.
>   Added RST AND POSTAL CODE exchange type.  Also added TEN POINTS PER QSO
> - Made POST's L C command process WARC and VHF/UHF logs (would only do
>   the standard six HF bands before).
> - Improved Icom interface to handle Transceive mode input.
> - Fixed bug with dupesheets not being done for all bands.
> - Added PORTTOFILE start up command.  Takes input from a serial port and
>   saves it in a file.
> - Added IOTADomestic multiplier type.  This doesn't use a .DOM file,
>   but it does look at the syntax of your IOTA designator and makes
>   sure it is in the correct format.  For example, if you enter EU5,
>   the program will convert it to EU005.  If you enter something that
>   doesn't look at all like an IOTA number, it will not let you log it.
> - Made the time display get updated when sending from keyboard.
> - Fixed up the QSO points in the Region One Field Day for OZ and the U.K.
> - Fixed bug with super check partial not working all the time.
> - You can now move the grid map sideways without having to adjust the
>   GRID MAP CENTER parameter.  The Control-Left and Control-Right keys
>   will move it left or right.  Sorry to say that the keyboard doesn't
>   generate a keystroke when Control-Up or Control-Down is pressed.
> - Made date work back to 1900 (was 1988).  TR is now year 1900 compliant!
>Version 6.27 - 11 June 1998
> - Added MULTI PORT BAUD RATE command.  Default and max value = 4800.
> - If you are using a radio different than a Kenwood and have SHIFT KEY
>   ENABLE = TRUE, the shift keys will always move the VFO frequency
>   instead of doing nothing in the CQ mode (which is when the Kenwood's
>   RIT is adjusted).
> - Added BAND MAP ALL BANDS (contro-J, default = False).  Lets you
>   the band map to show you all spots, not just the ones for the band you
>   are on.
> - Fixed bug with callsigns sometimes disappearing when pressing SPACE BAR.
> - Made Region One Field Day in UK count double QSO points for 160 & 10.
> - Fixed problems with lower case in grid squares.
> - Made TR READ not make dates in upper case.
> - Fixed possible dupes in partial call list.
> - Added LOGLASTCALL CW function key command.  Allows you to log the last
>   station you worked.  This can be combined with the BANDUP or BANDDOWN
>   commands to log QSOs on different bands quickly.
> - Fixed display of prefixes during get zone routine.
> - Fixed bug with > 6 character calls not working with partial calls.
> - Fixed bug with beeping computers when calling CQ and network.
>Version 6.26 - 24 May 1998
> - Fixed packet spots not being passed around network.
> - Enhanced ARRL log format to allow you to enter sent information.
>Version 6.25 - 5 May 1998
> - Attempted to make POST run on 300 MHz Pentium-II.
> - Updated CTY.DAT file.
> - The menu of contests that comes up if you start without a LOGCFG.DAT
>   file now allows you to use the arrow keys to select the contest you
>   want.
> - Added WARC bands to POST's continent report.
> - Added RUSSIAN DX contest and RUSSIAN DX to QSO point methods.
> - Eliminated QRP adder for JA INTERNATIONAL DX test.
> - Added DIGITAL MODE ENABLE (Control-J - default = False).
> - New ARRL Field Day rules implemented.
> - Improved POST L M (multiplier check) for Helvetia contest.
> - Change RSTQSONumberAndPossibleDomesticQTH to ignore a QTH entry for DX.
>   This fixes TR READ for the Helvetia contest.
> - Added PACKETFILE startup command.  This allows you to take a file and
>   have it processed as if it was text being received from a TNC.
> - For Region 1 FD, made any "unknown" country act like DL 2/3 4/6.  This
>   means it works for the UK now.
> - Bugs fixed:
>    - Super check partial bug - if you typed JA1, then delete three times,
>      then JA1, no partial calls would be displayed.
>    - If you did Alt-D for a dupecheck, the band map wasn't updated
>    - Fixed POST crash during mult check.
>    - Fixed QSO number not updating when QSO NUMBER BY BAND and band
>    - Fixed multi network communication bug resulting in crashes in high
>      error environments.
>    - Fixed ZoneMode for JA INTERNATIONAL DX (uses CQ zones, not ITU).
>    - Fixed clean up of country name and insert windows if dupe checked.
>    - Fixed crash of ControlJ if use PageDown at end of list.
>    - Fixed tuning (shift/control keys) bug due to uninitialized CWBuffer.
>Version 6.24 released on 23 March 1998.
> - Fixed distance error introduced in 6.23 (larges distances were
> - Fixed total score always being zero.
> - Fixed the beam heading window format problem.
>Version 6.23 released on 21 March 1988
> - Made the ? character work during tail end process.  Also improved
>   support of QUESTION MARK CHARACTER during tail end and start sending.
> - Memory consumption reduced by 32K from version 6.22.  We believe
>   performance has only been sacrificed at non critical times.  Also,
>   if you don't send any CW with the program, you gain an addition 3K.
> - Added new feature to flag callsigns in the bandmap that are either
>   country, prefix or zone multipliers.  Note that the status is marked
>   when the callsign is added to the band map - or updated after you
>   work that station.  The QSO is flagged with a happy face.
> - A number of numeric overflows were detected and fixed.  These were
>   a result of saving some memory and allowing me to enable range
>   checking.  Normally, these would have just given bogus results, but
>   are now "fixed" so they won't happen.  A good example is checking the
>   beam heading for an unknown country.  Other examples include reading
>   in a LOG.DAT file with bogus data.
> - If you use the DEBUG option (so the simulator works itself) and have
>   the CW TONE = 0, the program will now run much faster.  No CW messages
>   will be sent.  You should see rates around 4,000 per hour.  Also, the
>   band will change from time to time to beter simulate actual activity.
> - The TRMASTER database had some problems when it didn't have enough
>   memory to continue.  When your free memory got down below 5K, the
>   TRMASTER feature (Super Check Partial) feature was supposed to turn
>   itself off.  Well, it partially did, but part of it (the possible call
>   routine) kept running.  This created some real problems as the program
>   tried to read pieces of the TRMASTER.DTA file that were not there.
>   This has all been cleaned up and the TRMASTER feature totally disables
>   itself when memory gets low.
> - Some work has also been done when you run out of memory again - after
>   the TRMASTER.DTA file has been disabled.  A few rough edges have been
>   sorted out and the program should behave well when running out of
>   memory.  In fact, you should be able to continue working people
>   forever.  They just won't be added to the dupesheet or partial call
>   & initial exchange memory.
> - When sending or receiving a QTC for the WAE contest, the function key
>   messages are now disabled.  This was necessary during one of the
>   exercises to decrease memory use.
> - Fixed bug where FreeMemory display didn't update with ESCAPE in SSB
> - Some delays had been added to the TR READ feature to do some testing
>   in the previous version.  These should have been removed before 6.22
>   was released, but I forgot.  They are now gone.
> - Fixed bug with not reading in QSO points correctly from LOG.DAT file.
>Version 6.22 released on 6 March 1998
> - Fixed band changes this hour for multi network.
> - No overwrite of ? characters in INSERT mode.
> - Cursor always goes to ? when moving to call window, even if INSERT mode.
> - Added FINDFILE start up command - shows which directory TR will file the
>   specific file you type in (i.e., TR FINDFILE TRMASTER.DTA is
> - Added HELP start up command.  Shows all the commands for reference.
> - Allowed ESCAPE to exit you from blank packet edit entry.
> - Increased stored size of prefixes that appear CTY.DAT to 7 characters.
>   Fixes problem with SM1TDE matching SM1TDE/4U.
> - Fixed flaky DVP init bug.  Sometimes when starting TR, it wouldn't
>   get the proper shared memory address from the DVP.
> - Made ` (packet spot) use last QSO's call if the CALL WINDOW is blank.
> - Fixed bug with wrong CW Speed being used for Control-A prefixed CW
>   messages (sent on inactive radio).
> - Fixed bug with distances in European DX contest.  This was a new bug
>   in version 6.21.  A new routine was added that had better accuracy,
>   but it wasn't protected from the lower case characters.
> - Allowed DownArrow to be used to enter exchange before call in CQ MODE.
>   When you UpArrow back into the call window, you can then type the call,
>   press RETURN and the station's call and CQ EXCHANGE will be sent.
> - Fixed memory dump of TRMASTER.  While it appeared that the memory
>   was freed up (based upon the free memory displayed), the feature
>   kept working.
> - Changed to S48P13DC.DOM for CQ 160.  Counts DC mult now.
> - Fixed bug with / stations not being called by name.
> - Allowed editable window changes to affect initial exchange and
>   possible calls.
> - Initial exchanges are now loaded from LOG.DAT files if the parameter
>Version 6.21 released on 16 February 1998
> - Added BAND CHANGES as a legal value for HOUR DISPLAY.  This can be
>   used to count how many band changes have been made in each hour.
> - If you started the program without a LOGCFG.DAT file and set up the
>   ARRL DX contest, the remaining multiplier display might be in the
>   wrong mode until you exited the program and restarted.  This is now
>   fixed so the proper remaining display comes up at the start.
> - Made PACC QSOByMode = FALSE and MultByMode = FALSE.
> - Improved sprint parser to handle 4 or 5 entries.  You can now enter
>   the following exchanges in addtion to the old ones.
>             NAME QTH # NAME QTH  (uses the second name and QTH)
>             # NAME QTH #         (uses the second number)
>             NAME # NAME QTH      (uses the second name)
>             QTH # NAME QTH       (uses the second QTH)
>             NAME QTH # NAME      (uses second name)
>   You can still put a callsign in any of the above if you have
>   UPDATE CALLSIGN ENABLE = TRUE and it will remove the call before
>   processing the rest of the exchange.
> - Added sunrise/sunset times.  They show up with the beam heading display
>   when enabled with the MY GRID command.  Made Sunrise/Sunset use MyGrid
>   for the QTH if the the call in the call window = MyCall.  This allows
>   you to know your own sunrise/sunset time.
> - Changed default background color for beam heading window to white.
>   Also, extended the beam heading window to the left 10 spaces to make
>   room for sunrise/sunset times.
>   Works similar to the COMPUTER ID, except the letter shows which radio
>   was used.  Do not use this and the COMPUTER ID feature at the same
>   time.
> - Fixed problem with improper QTH showing up in some cases during the
>   the sprints and NAQP.  This typically happened in when switching
>   from S&P to CQ mode and working a DX station.
> - Fixed JST as a radio type for radio two.  We have a report that the
>   program doesn't work with the JST145.  Investigation in process.
> - Fixed bug with Alt-D QSO leaving cursor in call window when pressing
>   the space bar.
> - Made Alt-D work on SSB even if the DVP is not enabled.
> - Tried to make the program less memory hungry.  It uses about 5K less
>   than the previous version.
> - Went to more accurate distance calculator.  Now matches some of the
>   popular programs in Europe.
> - Fixed BROADCAST ALL PACKET DATA not supported in LOGCFG.
> - Made Packet Window and Control-J timeouts only work when using multi
>   port.
>Version 6.20 released on 5 January 1998
> - Fixed callsign you answered in CQ mode not being sent.
> - Added COUNTRY INFORMATION FILE parameter (control-J).  This allows you
>   to name a file that has information for different countries in it.  This
>   information will be displayed in the editable log window at the same
>   time you are shown other information for that country (i.e., mult status
>   or beam heading).
>   The file would have the country ID (use the one shown in the CTY.DAT
>   file) by itself on a line, then up to five lines of data afterwards.
>   A blank line indicates that there is no more data for that country.
>   There is no limit on the file size.
>   For example:
>   JA
>   This will be displayed when working a station in Japan.
>   So will this.
>   HL
>   This will be displayed when working a station in Korea.
> - Removed beep when sending radio information to other stations on multi
>   network.  This was put in during testing and I forgot to remove it.
> - Made ESCAPE in CQ MODE with no entry in call window repaint editable
>   This means you can recover from having something else in the editable
>   log window like the country information or multi messages.
> - Added ControlHome to view last five multi talk messages.
> - Made multi message aborted with ESCAPE key not get sent.
>Version 6.19 released on 4 January 1998
> - When using the multi network, the program can now update the remaining
>   multiplier display without doing anything.  Before, this was disabled
>   as it took a long time on some of the slower computers.  The new
>   parameter is MULTI UPDATE MULT DISPLAY and the defaul is TRUE.  You
>   can change it with Control-J.  When it is FALSE, the remaining
>   display isn't updated until another QSO is made, or a band/mode change
>   is executed.
> - There is now a 20 second timeout when using the multi network and you
>   leave the computer in a mode that doesn't allow it to process network
>   traffice (i.e., packet window, keyboard CW or view log).
> - Added new footswitch mode to act like the F1 key (FOOT SWITCH MODE =
>   This works for both CQ and S&P modes.
> - A check has been added when using CQ zones and the RST ZONE exchange to
>   make sure the zone you have entered isn't over 40.
> - Some changes have been made to make the super check partial feature
>   more responsive on slower computers.
> - Made POST's R Q case sensitive.  Before, PA and Pa would be counted
>   as the same multiplier.
> - Allowed DUPECHECK or DUPE CHECK for footswitch mode.  It was one way
>   on the control-J menu and the other in the manual.  Either one will
>   work now.
> - When selecting a spot from the bandmap, you will now be left in a
>   state so you can call the station with a RETURN.  Before, the initial
>   exchange had already been filled in and pressing RETURN would try to
>   log the QSO.  Also, if you try to select a spot while in the middle
>   of a CQ mode QSO, the program will ask you to either log or abort the
>   QSO first.
> - Fixed dualing CQs on CW.  A bug was introduced where the radio that
>   had the CQ stopped on it might be left key down.  This was a problem
>   only if using different ports for your CW (as opposed to using a
>   single port and a relay).
> - Added CROATIAN contest and CROATIAN QSO point method.
> - Added TEN MINUTE RULE (NONE, TIME OF FIRST QSO).  This is intended to
>   show you how long it has been since you made your first QSO on whatever
>   band you are on.
> - Fixed FT1000MP again.  Beta tested this time and guaranteed!
> - Added SKIP ACTIVE BAND (Control-J - false).  When TRUE, doesn't allow
>   you to move your active radio to the same band as your inactive radio
>   when using the Alt-B or Alt-V commands.
> - Added SPEED command to Function Key Message.  Needs the Control-C at
>   the start of the command and Control-D at the end.  Either put a
>   numeric speed (1 to 99 WPM), or any number of + or - characters to
>   make relative adjustments.
> - Allowed W M and R in "power" for ARCI contest (used for decimal power
>   or milliwatts).  The W is required to indicate that the entry is not
>   an ARCI member number.
> - Improvements to DVK operation:
>     o Escape will abort any message (not just F1).
>     o DVK0 now works in message (was broken).
>Version 6.18 released on 6 December 1997
> - Enhancements to ARCI contest. Added RST POSSIBLE DOMESTIC QTH AND
>   POWER exchange.  The power gets used for ARCI numbers as well, but
>   put a W after power levels sent by non members.  The W will be logged.
>   Added ARCI QSO POINT METHOD for ARCI.  If a no W found in the "power",
>   the full 5 points will be scored.  If a W is found, you get 2 points
>   for the same continent, or 4 points for DX.
> - Switched mode and frequency for MP back the way it was (freq then mode).
> - Prevented possible crash if packet frequency > 2,147 MHz.
>Version 6.17 released 23 November 1997.
> - Reversed the order of sending the mode and frequency to the FT1000,
>   FT920 and FT1000MP.  This means your mode will be set before setting
>   the frequency.  Under some radio configurations, this could result
>   in an error equal to the CW offset.
> - Fixed Dualing CQ process on SSB when using the DVP.  Also, some minor
>   clean up of DVP sequencing when using two radio mode.  Pressing F1
>   to resend your callsign while a dummy CQ is in progress works quicker.
> - In the S&P mode, if you use F2 to resend your exchange just after
>   logging a QSO, it will send the SEARCH AND POUNCE exchange even if
>   you have a REPEAT SEARCH AND POUNCE exchange programmed.  Furthurmore,
>   it would set the "ExchangeHasBeenSent" flag so that when you make
>   your next S&P QSO, it will send the REPEAT S&P EXCHANGE.  This has
>   now been changed so that if you press F2 with no call window or
>   exchange window entry, the REPEAT S&P exchange is sent and the
>   ExchangeHasBeenSent flag is not set.  If you don't have a REPEAT S&P
>   exchange programmed, you won't notice this as the S&P exchange gets
>   sent all of the time.
> - The CONTEST NAME is now part of the RESTART.BIN header.  This means
>   if you change the contest you are operating in your LOGCFG.DAT file,
>   the program won't try to use the RESTART.BIN file that might already
>   be in the directory.  This eliminates any possible problems with
>   incorrect configurations which could cause strange behavior (i.e.,
>   missing remaining multiplier info).
> - Some people have seen a negative number appear in some log entries
>   when displaying frequency.  Two changes have been made here.  First,
>   a band-aid has been added so that if for any reason a negative
>   result appears for the frequency, it will be set to zero.  This
>   happens with we don't get frequency data from the radio and then
>   subtract out the megahertz.  Secondly, an improvement has been made
>   in how I filter the frequency data in an attempt to use the previous
>   non-zero frequency when I come up with zero.
>   This list stops at the version covered by the latest release of
>   the manual.  You can view previous release notes on the web at
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