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TR and network

Subject: TR and network
From: (
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 03:18:24 -0500
The HS1AZ multi-multi operation did use TR log in a network configuration.
 We had four stations, four computers.

Since we were multi-multi rather than multi-single, we didn't have to contend
with the timing issues and keeping the run station log separate from the mult
station log, thank goodness. 

In general, the network functioned very well, perhaps our best experience
with it.  There seemed to be a problem with one of the computers which had to
be re-booted a few times, so we didn't have identical logs on each of the
four hard drives, and while Dick was messing around with the wayward
computer, the network was down to three computers, so in some cases, the
differences were rather significant.

However, we basically designated each of the four computers was "Primary" for
a given band.  At the end of the contest, we had to fix the CTY.DAT file to
handle VEs properly (by the time that fiasco was discussed on reflectors, we
had all left the country and had no email info about the problem---just
noticed that VE7s and 6s were showing up in zone 5.  Then, we did the dupe
checks and multiplier refinement on each of the four computers, and created
separate band logs on each of the four computers.  Then we pulled the 15
meter log from the 15 meter computer, the 20 meter log from the 20 meter
computer, the 40 meter log from the 40 meter computer and the 160/80/10 meter
log from the 160/80/10 computer, and using POST, merged 'em together.  That
way, we picked up all of the QSOs on the appropriate bands, including any
corrections that were made when the QSO had scrolled up into the window, but
had already been passed to the other computers in the network.

It took us an hour or so to do this stuff, but it would have been trivial if
CTY.DAT hadn't required fixing.....we weren't familiar with the format, and
needed to make sure we caught all the errors.

Only real problem was that of 5400 QSOs, over 50% were with JA---for one

73 - Phil, N6ZZ  

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