Hi Tree!
Here is my report on v5.80.
The RF-related crashing (my note of 9/9/96) seems to have gone away. Curious
minds want to know; what did you change?
I found a few minor problems with the TRMASTER database operation.
When prior exchange information from the database is placed into the exchange
field, you (sensibly) put the information in the correct order, NAME then QTH.
However, the cursor is left at the end of the line:
Mark Mo_
If I forget to hit the "HOME" key and just type the rest of the exchange;
Mark Mo 22_
and then hit "ENTER", the parsing in the log is wrong!
K4VX 18 Mo Ma
Rather than try for more sophisticated AI in the parsing algorithm, I suggest
you leave the cursor at the beginning of the line.
A second minor problem occurred when I changed bands to 40m, and calls I knew
were in the database produced no prior exchange information in the exchange
The parsing of the weird portable calls seems to have improved, but I still got
one error.
K9VV/C6A 46 RUM Oh C6
But not for CQWW ---| :)
Lastly, as you have noted the POST menu titles for editing the TRMASTER
database should be made more intuitive. I suggest that the verb EXPORT should
be changed to IMPORT, since we are importing the data from A (indefinite
article) log to THE (definite article) database.
Keep up the good work, (but not too much).
AE0M, Tony Becker - becker@shell.portal.com - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.