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[SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score, NCCC NS Sprint, 3/11/16

Subject: [SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score, NCCC NS Sprint, 3/11/16
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 22:58:37 -0500
NCCC Sprint - Mar 11

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 0.5

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   160:   6      5
    80:  11      9
    40:  15     12
    20:   7      5
Total:  39     31  Total Score = 1,209

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000MP, 100W, TH6DXX, dipole, zepp, inverted vee, tee vertical, N1MM{ logger.
Much better luck with N1MM+ this week than last.  Now I know how to unscramble
the log if I hit the wrong place.  Yesterday, bought a computer cable and got
the CAT line working for radio control from the computer. Tonight, Jeff, KU8E,
came by and set up my Rig Blaster to send CW from the keyboard. Still had a
problem with the logger in that it was sending number "0" instead of
the sequential number when I was using my F3 message, meaning that someone had
called me. The first time that happened, I didn't believe it and the other
station sent "TU" without asking for a repeat of the number.  Guess
he wasn't logging numbers.  After that, I send the number and rest of the
exchange by hand. Sorry to confuse some of you.  I'll try to get that problem
ironed out by next week.  I'd still rather use NA, but I have given up trying
to keep a Windows 98 computer going so I can effectively use NA.  I am sure
I'll get more accustomed to N1MM Plus as time goes on.  Thanks for all QSOs.
73, John, K4BAI.

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  • [SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score, NCCC NS Sprint, 3/11/16, John Laney <=