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[SECC] Fwd: ARRL Sweepstakes SSB - KT4ZB

Subject: [SECC] Fwd: ARRL Sweepstakes SSB - KT4ZB
From: kt4zb at (kt4zb at
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 14:41:33 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: kt4zb <kt4zb at>
Sent: Mon, Nov 23, 2015 10:17 am
Subject: ARRL Sweepstakes SSB - KT4ZB

ARRL Sweepstakes SSB

Call: KT4ZB
Operator(s): KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB

Class: SO Unlimited LP
QTH: Savannah, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 13

 Band  QSOs
   40:  619
Total:  619  Sections = 78  Total Score = 96,564

Club: South East Contest Club


I think I have a love-hate relationship with this contest. I enjoy the contest 
a whole lot; but, part of me is a little too lazy to work that hard for 24 
hours. I think running low power doesn?t help either. So after getting a sweep, 
I tend to take time off and do other things.

This year several of my ham friends worked on the tower and put up a new 
Cushcraft 2 element 40 m beam just before CQWW. It worked well for the DX 
contest so I wanted to see how it might work stateside. SS was the ideal time 
to check out its performance on 40 m. Collecting 600+ QSOs in 13 hours using 
low-power on 40 m was fantastic and fun. I felt strong most of the time and 
VE8, HI and AK were all easy. Lots of good comments too. And for one of the few 
times I was able to hold a frequency for long periods of time. Longest run was 
67 and best run rate was 105/hr. Made 78 of the 83 sections missing Utah, South 
Dakota, Puerto Rico, southern Florida and Labrador. It's always interesting to 
see how the different sections are on the air. For me in Savannah, South 
Carolina can be difficult to work only hearing it on 80m many times. This time 
I worked three South Carolina stations on 40m near the beginning of the contest 
and I don't think I heard another one the rest of the contest.

Talked to many of the SECC folks as well as the folks from Phone Fray. Special 
shoutout needs to go to all those people who were on the air near the end of 
the contest with very low numbers. It was pretty amazing to work one after 
another with only single or double-digit serial numbers. My thanks to the 
contest committee for sponsoring this great event.

Jere, KT4ZB
Yaesu FT-1000 MP, Mark V, Cushcraft XM-240 beam and N1MM+

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