Call: W4LHS @ KT4ZB
Station: KT4ZB
Class: M/S LP
QTH: Savannah, GA
Operating Time (hrs): 23
Location: USA
Band QSOs Mults
SSB: 595 124
Total: 595 124 Total Score 147,560
Club: South East Contest Club
Once again KT4ZB put out a call for some ops from the Coastal Amateur Radio
Society (CARS) in Savannah to set up a Multi-Single entry for the ARRL10
meter contest. This was a continuation of the training for new operators
similar to the past two years. We had a few experienced operators and some
newbies. The entry was SSB only and low power.
Operators this year included Kevin, KW4B, Bill, K4WP, Chuck, N4KKD, Ken,
W4JKG, Lowell, NY4D, Sue, W4SWJ, Paul, KC2NYU and Jere, KT4ZB. KW4B led the
way with 254 contacts. Several other CARS members were by to socialize and
enjoy the holiday season.
Conditions were very good here and we were early into Europe. Best hour
rate was 73. Some of the nifty DX included KU9C/VP9, Bermuda, OA4SS, Peru,
HZ1GD, Saudi Arabia, OD5ZZ, Lebanon, PZ5RA, Suriname, SV3DCX, Greece, TC3P,
Asiatic Turkey, KH2L, Guam and ZS6RJ, South Africa, We finally had a JA
opening on Sunday late and worked a number of JAs to go with several VKs and
ZLs. The group worked 9 of the XE stations.
The station worked just under 600 contacts recording 41 states, 9 of the
Canadian provences, 8 Mexican states and 71 different countries. There's a
big smile on my face as my ?boys & girls? got some experience with both the
radio and N1MM.
Thanks to the contest committee for sponsoring the contest. Only thing
I'd like to change is to break out the M/S to M/S SSB, M/S CW and M/S Mixed.
Merry Christmas and cu on the bands - Jere, KT4ZB
Yaesu 1000MP Field, TH6-DXX, N1MM
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