Sorry to be late with the announcement. Most of you probably know that
I have been QRV from Bonaire and just returned home late Tuesday night.
Been trying to catch up on the home front, the work front, and now the
radio front.
Thursday night on 80M, I will be one of the two CW QRP Foxes hiding
between 3550 and 3570 kHz from 0200 to 0230 UTC Friday UTC date. The
exchange is RST, SPC, Name, Power. I will start out split listening up
and will go simplex when the pile up drops off. You may run only 5W or
less and do not spot my frequency.
Hope to work many of you. The QRP Fox Hunts are a lot of fun. The
other fox tomorrow night is Jim, N0UR, in MN.
73, John, K4BAI.