Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 8/27/14, 1300Z
K1GU 81 61 4,941 SO HP ____ TN TCG
K4JAZ 36 31 1,116 SO LP 1.0 AL
2. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 8/27/14, 1900Z
K1GU 78 57 4,446 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
K4JAZ 31 27 837 SO LP 1.0 AL
WN4AFP 18 16 288 SO LP 0.5 SC SFCG
N4NM 11 11 121 SO LP 0.2 AL ACG
3. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 8/28/14, 0300Z
K4BAI 99 71 7,029 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K2SX 75 60 4,500 SO HP 1.0 SC
N4NM 57 48 2,736 SO LP 1.0 AL ACG
K3IE 47 40 1,880 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
WA8HSB 18 17 306 SO QRP 0.6 AL ACG
4. NCCC NS Ladder, 8/29/14
W4OC 47 38 1,786 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
N4OGW 48 36 1,656 SO LP 0.5 MS ACG SO2R
K4BAI 43 31 1,333 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
K1GU 43 30 1,290 SO LP 0.5 TN TCG
5. Colorado QSO Party
Call CWQ PhQ CWM PhM Score Category Time St Club
K5WP 34 16 22 11 2,772 SO MixHP ____ AL ACG
KJ4LTA 0 35 0 24 1,680 SO Ph LP 8 AL ACG
K4BAI 32 22 17 12 1,352 SO MixHP 6 GA SECC
6. SCC RTTY Championship
W4UK 251 92 54,740 SO AB HP 7.6 SC SECC
W5EW 220 112 53,200 SO AB LP 14 LA
K5WP 110 80 22,800 SO AB HP ____ AL ACG
W4IX 67 53 8,533 SO AB LP 3 SC SECC
WB2RHM/4 55 42 5,964 SO AB HP 5 NC SECC
AG4W 30 21 1,386 SOSB/40HP 1 AL ACG
7. YO HF DX Contest
Call CWQ PhQ Mul Score Category Time St Club
N4PN 411 292 287 494,428 SO Mix HP 17 GA GCG
K4BAI 364 11 140 210,560 SO Mix HP 13 GA SECC
W4IX 402 0 125 198,250 SO CW LP 15 SC SECC
K3IE 87 3 42 13,692 SO Mix LP 6 TN TCG
N4GG 37 0 26 4,134 SO CW HP ____ GA SECC
8. Michigan QRP Club Labor Day Sprint
K4BAI 69 39 6,435 SO QRP 3:20 GA SECC
9. Adventure Radio Society September Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 44 44 SO QRP (Tubby) 2.0 GA SECC
10. Nancy Kott Memorial Sprint
K4BAI 82 45 SO LP 3.0 GA SECC
KE4WKH 9 7 SO QRP ____ AL
KB0ETU 8 7 SO QRP ____ AL
KK4BNC 6 6 SO QRP 0:35 GA
11. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 9/3/14, 1300z
K1GU 94 63 5922 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
K4JAZ 29 22 638 SO LP 1.0 AL
NN4K 26 23 598 SO LP 1.0 GA SECC
WN4AFP 10 10 100 SO LP 0.25 SC SFCG
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday. Three separate one-hour
mini tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z. 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps
# or SPC. Look around 028-038 kHz plus 1815 kHz.
2. QRP Fox Hunt. Two QRP Foxes (AC7A, TOM, AZ and N8SS, EARL, MI) will
be hiding between 14050 and 14070 kHz. 0100-0230Z Friday (Thursday
night local date). Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Work only the two
foxes. Maximum power 5W. No spotting of the fox frequencies.
3. NCCC RTTY Ladder. New ladder series begins Thursday night local,
0145-0215Z Friday. 20, 40, 80M RTTY. (No 15M in this series). 100W
maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC.
Look around 080 kHz on each band.
4. NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local
date). 20, 40, 80, 160M CW. (Not sure if 15M is still included...will
forward announcement from NCCC when it is received.) 100W maximum
power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Look
around 038 to 046 kHz on each band plus 1815 kHz.
5. FISTS Club G3ZQS Memorial SK Contest. Use hand key. 2300Z Friday
to 2300Z Sunday. 80 to 10M CW. Call is "CQ FS." QRO seems OK.
Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, FISTS# or power.
6. CWOpen Contest. Three separate sessions. 0000-0359Z Saturday
(Friday night local date). 1200-1559Z and 2000-2359Z Saturday. 160-10M
CW. Exchange: Serial# + Name. There is a team competition. I have
nine members for a team and need one more for a full team. Email me if
you would like to join us on a team for this fun contest.
7. All Asia DX Contest, Phone. 48 hours of Sat and Sun UTC. 80-10M
Phone. Exchange: RS + 2 digit age (or "0" for YLs). Work only Asian
8. Russian RTTY World Wide Contest. 0000-2359Z Saturday. 80-10M RTTY.
Exchange: RST + CQ Zone or 2 letter Oblast for Russian stations. Work
9. RSGB SSB Field Day. 13Z Sat to 13Z Sun. 80-10M SSB. Exchange: RS
+ Serial #.
10. IARU Region One Field Day SSB. 13Z Sat to 1259Z Sun. 160-10M SSB.
Exchange: RS + Serial #. For some reason, every year there seem to
be some Scandinavian stations also working CW in this one even though
the rules say only SSB. I think the rules different slightly for each
member country. Work only Region One (Europe) stations.
11. Ohio State Parks on the Air. 1600-2400Z Saturday. 80-6M CW, SSB,
AM, Digital. Exchange: Ohio Park Abbreviation or S/P/DX. Most
activity seems to be on SSB in this one.
12. PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial 80M Sprint. 2000-0200 local
time. 80M PSK31. Exchange: RST + SPC.
13. North American Sprint CW. 0000-0400Z Sunday (Saturday night local
date). 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. One/three
kHz QSY rule. This is a very big one for some CW operators. It brings
out most of the really top notch CW ops. There is a team competition.
Right now for a Southeastern Sprint Coalition Team, I have five members.
I'd like to fill up at least one 10-member team. E-mail me right away
if you'd like to be on the team.
14. DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest. 1100-1700Z Sunday. 10M RTTY,
Amtor, Clover, PSK31, Pactor. Exchange: RST + serial #. Wouldn't it
be nice if 10M would open for this one? We have been having some
openings to South America and the Pacific in our afternoons.
15. Tennessee QSO Party. 1800Z Sunday to 0300Z Monday. 160-UHF CW, Ph,
Dig. Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or TN county. There is a club competition
in this contest. It does not require pre-registration. Just put your
club name spelled out in the Cabrillo header of your log. South East
Contest Club has won this award several times, including last year.
16. Wednesday CWTs again.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and makes a lot of QSOs. Try
to support our friends in TN in their well-run contest on Sunday.
73, John, K4BAI.