Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test 7/24/14, 0300Z
WN4AFP 16 16 256 SO LP 0.3 SC SECC
NN4K 16 15 240 SO LP 1.0 GA SECC
WA4TT 11 11 121 SO HP 0.15 GA SECC
2. RSGB Islands on the Air Contest
AA4CF 222 88 175,208 SO(A)12 CW HP 9 GA SECC
3. CW County Hunters Contest
K4BAI 118 87 50,460 SO HP 2:54 GA SECC
WN4AFP 53 31 15,045 SO LP 5 SC SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. Three
separate one-hour mini tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date).
160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC.
Look around 028 to 038 kHz on each band plus 1815 up on 160M.
2. QRP Fox Hunt. 20M. Thursday night local, 0100-0230Z Friday. Two
QRP foxes will hide between 14050 and 14070 kHz. 5W maximum power.
Work only the two foxes: NK6A, DON, CA and W2LJ, LARRY, NJ. Exchange:
RST, SPC, name, Power. No spotting permitted.
3. NCCC RTTY Practice. 0145-0215Z Friday (Thurs night local). 15, 20,
40, 80M RTTY. Around 080 kHz. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC.
4 NCCC NS Ladder. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thurs night local). 15, 20, 40,
80, 160M CW. Around 038-046 kHz plus 1815 kHz. 100W maximum power.
One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name,, SPC.
5. TARA Grid Dip Shindig. 24 hours of Saturday UTC. 160-6M PSK,
RTTY. Exchange: Name + 4 character grid square.
6. 10-10 International Summer SSB Contest. 0001Z Sat to 2359Z Sun. 28
mHz SSB. Exchange: Name + 10-10# + SPC. Send "0" if you have no 10-10#.
7. North American QSO Party, CW. 1800Z Sat to 0559Z Sun. 10 hours max
for single ops. 160-10M CW. Mults count per band. Team competitions.
Exchange: Name + SPC. For stations outside the NA continent, Name only
required. I need more SECC team members. Please e-mail me immediately
if you can be on a SECC team. Two weeks later will be the SSB event and
we will get up teams for that one too. No requirement of being within a
circle or even of being a member of SECC. For GCG teams, contact N4PN.
For ACG teams, contact WA1FCN.
8. ARRL August UHF Contest. 18Z Sat to 18Z Sun. 222 mHz and up.
Exchange: Four character grid square.
9. South African Amateur Radio League HF Phone Contest. 1300Z to 1630Z
Sun. 80-10M SSB. Exchange: RS + Serial #.
10. Adventure Radio Society August Spartan Sprint. Monday night
local. 0100-0300Z Tuesday. 80-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange:
RST + SPC + Power.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend. 73, John, K4BAI.