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[SECC] ARRL 160 KE3X ( W4IX )

Subject: [SECC] ARRL 160 KE3X ( W4IX )
From: jrcccd at (jrcccd at
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2013 12:48:07 -0500 (EST)
I was in the Baltimore area working and decided to reach out to Ken, KE3X, to 
see if he was interested in doing a MS in the ARRL 160 Contest, he said, 
sure...He had other commitments that weekend that kept us from doing a full 
time serious effort, so I decided to go over on Friday night and work until 
daylight...I told Ken that if he thinks that the band was going to be real good 
to Europe on Saturday night, I would go back and work a few more was 
not to be..Condx. from DC were just not that great to Europe or the West 
Coast..I did manage to work KH6LC, KL7RA , T32RC, and a few W6/W7's but all 
were very weak in the S7 noise level form Ken's city QTH..Was nice to have a 
few Euros call in while running. Used a FT1000MP with Alpha 78 Amp and Inv. L 
antenna....Station worked flawlessly and the Hospitality was top notch. Worked 
a few SECC guys, thanks. Heard K4BAI but I was trying to keep my run freq. and 
work guys on the 2nd VFO..I tried a few times but did not make the contact. One 
time AA4NC moved in real close below me..he was vy loud and would not move...I 
made a few contacts but the rate went down tremendously. I then found a spot 
just below him, I think the result was the same but the other way around, he 
eventually moved...Sorry AA4NC...

I am going to try and get a 160 antenna back up when I get home and get on for 
Stew Perry. Hope to see some of you guys on 160. If not, Happy Holidays to All!!

John / W4IX

     ARRL 160-Meter Contest

 Call: KE3X
 Operator(s): KE3X W4IX
 Station: KE3X

 Class: M/S HP
 QTH: Washington DC
 Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Total:  QSOs = 910  Sections = 68  Countries = 28  Total Score = 185,472

 Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


 Many thanks to W4IX for visiting this weekend.   John stayed up all Friday 
 and logged many juicy DX, including the T32 expedition and first KH6 and KL7's
 ever from this QTH.   The rest of the weekend was 'best efforts' as I had many
 kids activities to work around.



John Colyard
Tandem Communications
Lead Project Coordinator Installations
MAIN 772.216.6700
EMAIL jrcccd at

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