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[SECC] Reminder: CWT Mini Tests Wednesday and CWOpen Saturday

Subject: [SECC] Reminder: CWT Mini Tests Wednesday and CWOpen Saturday
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:43:48 -0400
Time again for midweek CWops Test fun.Three separate one-hour sessions. 
Everyone welcome--you don't have to be a CWops member to join the fun.> .

N4AF did it again two weeks ago. 131 x 83 for 10,837, a new all-time CWT 
high score. Howie is dominating CWTs like K2KIR (now W2RU, CWops #65) 
dominated (CW) CD Parties back in the late sixties and early seventies. 
Bravo Howie.

Also this week, more CWops fun. Friday Zulu we have the CWops Open. 
Three separate four-hour sessions. The CWops Open is CWops Tests on 
steroids. Lots of activity and lots of time. Let's all get on and really 
heat up the ionosphere.

I will continue to record all my CWT (and CWO) QSOs over all three 
sessions. If you would like to hear your signal at W6SX, email me, and 
I'll send you short MP3 files of our contacts.

CWT ten-meter rally, 28.028 at 1930Z. If enough of us show at 1930Z, we 
can make ten work for CWT.

For CWT, don't forget twenty at 0300Z. Fifteen was open to the east 
coast for me at 0300Z last time. I'll start on fifteen.

Lots of Qs or just a few, please report your results at .

*The first rule of CW is to have fun and to share the fun.*

CW Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX

CWops Tests Manager

Mammoth Lakes, California

Elevation 8083 feet in John Muir's Range of Light

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