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[SECC] Fwd: NAQP SSB N4XL Single Op LP

Subject: [SECC] Fwd: NAQP SSB N4XL Single Op LP
From: knason00 at (Kevan Nason)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 05:51:31 +0000
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From: <webform at>
Date: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 5:45 AM
Subject: NAQP SSB N4XL Single Op LP
To: 3830 at, knason00 at

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: N4XL
Operator(s): N4XL
Station: N4XL

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9:52

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   17    12
   80:  103    30
   40:  162    36
   20:  376    42
   15:   54     7
   10:    0     0
Total:  712   127  Total Score = 92,560

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC


Heard many complaining of lousy bands, including me! Then things changed.
people hung in there. Thanks to everyone out there I have a few more firsts.
First time worked all 50 states. I think it is the first time I went over
90,000 points for NAQP. First time N1MM reported a 300/hr rate (Ok, only
for a
minute) and the first time I had a sustained rate of over 100 an hour -- and
that lasted for two hours. 20 opened up and the tide was let loose! Also,
first time our dog became seriously sick during a contest and I had to quit
an hour and a half in prime time to deal with that.

This one went from "Why am I contesting on these lousy bands?" to
"Why does it have to be over already?"

FT1000MP MkV Field
Bencher Skyhawk at 50'
520' horizontal loop at 25 ft
Top loaded vertical for 40/80
K9AY switchable loop.

Thanks again to everyone.

Kevan (aka Ken)

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