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[SECC] Announcement: Huntsville Ham Fest

Subject: [SECC] Announcement: Huntsville Ham Fest
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 13:28:14 -0400
You are invited to attend the Huntsville Hamfest, the 2013 ARRL
Convention that will be held August 17-18, 2013 at the Von Braun
Center, downtown Huntsville Alabama.

The Huntsville Hamfest is an all indoors, all air-conditioned venue
where you will enjoy thousands of friends, hundreds of dealers, vendors
and flea market tables, several equipment manufacturers, high quality
forums, youth lounge, hospitality suites and much more.

At the Hamfest you will have the opportunity to participate in
activities such as, the 2013 Young Ham of the Year presentation, ARRL
forums, the Annual Sunny South Contest Suite hosted by the Alabama
Contest Group and attend the North Alabama DX Club Banquet.

Bring the family to also enjoy the World Famous U.S. Space and Rocket
Center, Museum and theme park and many other attractions in

Go to to find out about hotel specials and
everything the Huntsville Hamfest has to offer.

Mark your calendar and plan to attend now!
Greg Sarratt, W4OZK
ARRL Southeastern Division Director

Jim Millsap, WB4NWS
ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director

ARRL Southeastern Division
Director: Greg Sarratt, W4OZK
w4ozk at

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