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[SECC] KB4KBS: North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Subject: [SECC] KB4KBS: North American QSO Party, RTTY - July
From: scottstraw at (Scott Straw)
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 19:52:52 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
North American QSO Party, RTTY - July

Call: KB4KBS
Operator(s): KB4KBS
Station: KB4KBS

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 4

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   0      0
   40:  16     11
   20:  48     18
   15:  14      9
   10:   0      0
Total:  78     38  Total Score = 2,964

Club: Georgia Contest Group



Started late and only had four hours before I had to QRT.  Watched the radar on
my iPhone the entire time - major rain cells on three sides of me that stayed
static and eventually just dissolved - kept waiting for one to move in and
force me off the air, but got lucky. I suppose I was smiled upon by Markos and
Spaceious, the ancient Greek gods of digital telecommunications (who as all
good Greek mythology buffs know were the twins sons of Ditious and Dahla.)

My 4 hour run rate was below "The Mendoza Line" which puts me on par
with BJ Upton's batting average, and for that I am ashamed.  I never could get
a good sustained run going.

The good news is that my upstairs has been vacated and I now have my shack back
unfettered by "quiet hours".  Thanks to all for the contacts, and a
special shout-out to K8EAB who dipped his toe into the river of RTTY for the
first time during this event and netted 38 states toward finally achieving his
Triple Play Award.


Scott, KB4KBS

Scott Straw, KB4KBS
Roswell, Georgia USA

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