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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests, SECC Attributed Scores Only

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests, SECC Attributed Scores Only
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 11:34:52 -0500
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice, 3/1/13
W4OC   48  34  1,631  SO LP  0.5  SC  SECC  SO2R

2.  ARRL DX Contest, Phone
NN4F   1086  369  1,202,202  SO (U) HP  21    SC  SECC
K4BAI  1141  309  1,057,707  SO AB HP   29:18 GA  SECC
NQ4I    830  245    610,050  SO (U) HP  11.5  GA  SECC
KT4ZB   739  263    583,071  SO (U) LP  14    GA  SECC
KU8E    422  234    296,244  SO AB LP   11:49 GA  SECC
K4NV    231  106     73,458  SO (U) HP   5:30 GA  SECC
K4DLI   196  105     61,425  SO AB HP    8:46 GA  SECC
W4QNW   125   62     23,250  SOSB/80HP 16     SC  SECC
W4DD    109   53     17,172  SOSB/80HP   8    GA  SECC
K4AMA    29   28      2,436  SO AB LP    1.8  SC  SECC

3.  March Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
K4BAI    44              44  SO QRP 5W   2.0  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  QRP Fox Hunt, Thursday night local, 0200-0330Z Friday, 80M CW.  Two 
QRP foxes will be hiding between 3550 and 3570 kHz.  Work only the two 
foxes. Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.  5W maximum power.

2.  NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice.  Thursday night local, 0130-0159Z Friday. 
  20, 40, 80M CW (080 kHz up).  Power limited to 100W.  One kHz QSY 
rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.

3.  NCCC NS CW Sprint Practice. Thursday night loca, 0230-0259Z Friday. 
20, 40, 80, 160M CW (040 kHz up and 1815 kHz).  Maximum power 100W. One 
kHz QSY rule.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  For tonight only, 
same band dupe QSOs are OK after one intervening QSO.  Also SNS slow 
speed practice with same rules except no 160M and slow down your sending 
speed.  0200-0220Z Friday.

4.  BERU Contest. This is a closed contest, open only to stations in 
various parts of the "British Empire," which includes Canada, but hasn't 
included the US since the American Revolution.  10Z Sat to 10Z Sun.  I 
list this contest here just so you will understand what is going on and 
why contest stations don't want to answer US stations.

5.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon.  12Z Sat to 24Z Sun. 
  24 hours maximum operating time.  Use a mechanical key only.  160-6M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST, Name, SPC, SKCC# or "none."  Bonus points for one 
QSO with W1AW and for working QRP and QRPP stations.  Such stations are 
to sign /QRP and /QRPP after their calls and to add their power after 
the SKCC#.

6.  QRPARCI HF Grid Square Sprint.  15-18Z Sat.  160-10M CW.  Exchange: 
  RST + 4 character grid square + QRPARCI# or power.

7.  Idaho QSO Party.  19Z Sat to 19Z Sun. All except WARC bands.  CW, 
Phone, Digital.  Exchange:  RS(T) + SPC or ID county.

8.  North American Sprint RTTY Contest.  00-04Z Sun (Sat night local). 
80, 40, 20M RTTY.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  QSY rule.  Team 
competition.  I have not had anyone want to sign up for a team for this 
one.  Let me know if you want one and I'll register it.

9.  Nova Scotia ARA Contest.  11-15Z and 17-21Z Sunday.  80M (only) CW 
and SSB.  Exchange:  RS(T) or RS(T) + county for NS stations.

10.  Wisconsin QSO Party.  18Z Sun to 01Z Mon.  All except WARC bands. 
CW, Phone.  Exchange:  SPC or WI county.  There are power multipliers.

11.  QRP Fox Hunt Tuesday 40M. Same rules as for 80M on Thursdays except 
3550-3570 kHz and the time remains the same on local time, so it will be 
0200-0330Z Wednesday and still 9 to 1030 PM Tuesday local time.
The local time changes to daylight time Sunday morning at 2 AM, so 
change your watches before you go to bed Saturday night.  Nothing 
changes on UTC, of course, and the QRP Fox Hunt is one of a few contests 
that remain on local time and therefore fall one hour later on UTC 
during the daylight time months.

12.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Wednesday.  13Z, 19Z, and 03Z (Thursday 
UTC) for one hour each.  160-10M CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # or SPC.
Look around 028 kHz on each band.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  Good luck 
to all on working TX5K and the other active DXpeditions.  73, John, K4BAI.

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