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[SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests, SECC Attributed Scores Only

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests, SECC Attributed Scores Only
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 11:47:58 -0500

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Ladder 2/22/13

W4OC   55  41  2,255  SO LP  0.5  SC  SECC  SO2R
K4BAI  49  31  1,519  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  NCJ NAQP RTTY Contest
WF4W    405  124   50,220  SO LP  10    GA  GCG  SECC
W4OC    372  130   48,360  SO LP   6:04 SC  SECC
WB2RHM  345  125   43,125  SO LP  10    NC  SECC SECC
W4UK    382  102   40,100  SO LP  10    SC  SECC SECC
W5EW    173   76   13,148  SO LP  10    LA       SECC
AE4O     80   47    3,760  SO LP   3:31 GA  SECC

Team Scores:
SECC    146,603 + AA4LR

3.  CQ 160 Meter SSB Contest
Call    QSO  W/VE  DX  Score    Category  Time  St  Club
W4SVO   475    50  37  129,369  SO(A) HP  16    FL  SECC
K4NV    530    52  18   91,306  M/O   HP   4.3  GA  SECC  K4NV + K4SDA
N4NX    237    44  10   30,510  SO(A) LP   6    GA  SECC
K4BAI    15    10   1      363  SO    HP   0:29 GA  SECC

4.  North Carolina QSO Party
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score    Category  Time  St  Club
AD8J/P   432   238  105  186,760  CtYExpLP  7:32  NC  SECC
K4BAI    116    60   72   36,996  SOMix LP  7:40  GA  SECC
K4EOR     50     0   38    5,774  SO CW LP  5:45  NC  SECC
K4AMA     18    16   22    2,042  SOMix LP  1.0   SC  SECC

5.  Mississippi QSO Party
K4BAI     74    58   42    5,544  SO HP     8:37  MS  SECC
K4AMA      4    10   11      154  SO LP     1.0   SC  SECC

6.  UBA (Belgium) DX CW Contest
K4BAI   173  34  18,632  SO AB HP  8:05  GA  SECC

7.  CWops Club Mini Test, 0300Z 2/28/13
K4BAI  97  42  4,074  SO HP  1.0   GA  SECC
AD4J   15  15    225  SO LP  _     GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  QRP 80M Fox Hunt.  0200-0330Z Friday (Thursday night local).  Two 
QRP Foxes (NK9G Rick WI and K9CW Drew IL) will be hiding between 3550 
and 3570 kHz.  5W maximum power.  Work only the two foxes.  Exchange: 
RST, SPC, Name, Power.

2.  ARRL International DX Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Sat and Sun UTC. 
Exchange:  RS + S/P and for DX RS + power.  This is one of the big ones 
and in this one the world is looking only for US and Canada.  W4BW, 
W4KLY, W4XO, and K4UN will be QRV from TI8M.  NF4A will be QRV from 
9A1A.  KT4TX will have a multi op entry. The M/S from WW4LL has been 

3.  DARC (German Club) 10M Digital Contest.  11-17Z Sun.  10M Digital. 
Exchange:  RST + serial #.

4.  Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint March.  Monday night local, 
0200-0400Z Tuesday.  80-10M CW.  5W maximum power.  Exchange:  RST + SPC 
+ power.

5.  QRP Fox Hunt 40M. Tuesday night local.  Same rules as for 80M QRP 
Fox Hunt on Thursdays except frequency range is 7030-7050 kHz and there 
will be two different foxes QRV.

Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and makes a lot of QSOs.  73, 
John, K4BAI.

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