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[SECC] Announcement: 2012 Stew Perry Top Band Distance Contest

Subject: [SECC] Announcement: 2012 Stew Perry Top Band Distance Contest
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 11:50:01 -0500
High Tidings to the Low Band Community,
      The Boring Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce the 17th edition
of The Stew Perry TopBand Distance Challenge.
This competition will happen between 15:00Z Dec. 29 to 15:00Z Dec. 30,
2012. The concise rules and information pertaining
to this worldwide 160M struggle between radio contesters, noise,
holiday commitments, and Mr. Murphy, can be found at
      As all great things are simple, The Stew Perry conflagration is a
radio contest where you operate for a maximum of 14 hours utilizing
your grid square locator as the contest exchange.  You'll notice upon
reflection that distance between stations helps to determine
the score, not arbitrary countries or states or provinces or galactic
identifiers. A step perhaps in the "more fair" direction.
      The Boring Amateur Radio Club also encourages the contesters to
determine what heroic efforts should be recognized by wood.
Yes, Radio Stalwarts donate $60 for each wooden plaque for a category that
needs to be brought to the attention of the world.
     So far these RF giants for the 2012 running of the Stew Perry and the
categories are:

KL7RA                                   Top # of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group         TBD
W2GD Team                           Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU station
AA6VB                                   Top Score base loaded vertical <60'
AA6VB                                   Top Score Big City (>50K pop),
Little pistol (<100W)
K7CA                                     Top Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CA                                     Top Score JA
TF4M                                      Longest QSO-Hi Power (both ends
get a plaque)
TF4M                                      Top Score 160 mobile (must be
truly mobile, not portable)
W7RH                                     Top Score S/O Low Power Zone 3

      You are invited to join these fine 160M Ops by coming up with a
wholesome category and remitting $60. Details may be obtained
by emailing me at my address at the bottom of this tome. The plaques for
the 2011 contest are being prepared even as we net.
      This contest is a CW or Morse Code contest. If you don't do CW then
start in on learning it immediately. You will pick it up rapidly
as it is a well known fact that 160M operators are smarter than those who
dwell on the other bands, except for 6M. We do not sponsor
a 160M contest for SSB and will not in the future unless we are bought out
by a Fortune 500 Company, Paul Allen, or Brasil.
      Start now to get all of your holiday chores and schedules accomplished
so that you may come out and play in The Stew Perry TopBand
Distance Challenge sponsored by The Boring Amateur Radio Club.  The
competition is low key, fun and good for your blood pressure.
      There will be more notices of this fine contest to this forum in the
future so you can plot which plaque you'll sponsor or attempt to attain.
73 and I remain,
    Lew   W7EW
    The Boring Amateur Radio Club, Committee on Words, Flares and Porcine
    w7ew at
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