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[SECC] [Yaesu] FT1000 going wokie

Subject: [SECC] [Yaesu] FT1000 going wokie
From: knason00 at (Kevan Nason)
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 15:10:53 -0400
Thanks Frank.  I appreciate the detailed advice.

Most want me to start signal tracing from the antenna
and use the tried and true method to pinpoint the issue.
I guess I was really looking for a short cut and that
by talking of the effect the menu selection had on the
problem it might key someone in to the cause.

I think the signal path is just fine and I am going to
spend unnecessary time tracing stages.  Why?
Because when I select one of three menu items (8-6,
8-9, or 9-1) the signal comes in loud and clear.  There
is no S/N problem.  There is no weak stage to repair.
Everything is just fine. So what is it in the circuitry
that is different when one of those menu items is selected?
Somewhere the logic/programming and signal paths
cross.  That's the section where my problem most
likely lies.  One person suggested the local oscillator
board because that is what 8-6, 8-9, and 9-0 all affect.
Sounded good to me.  But why do the menu items cause
the signal to work when one of them is selected, but not
work when they are not selected?  That's the part I'm not
smart enough to figure out.

No one yet seems to know why the menu item thing
is doing what it is so guess I'll just start signal tracing
and see if anything pops out. Maybe something will
show up visually that I missed earlier as I trace signals.
I doubt it though.  This acted like someone had
suggested, a gradual breakdown of junctions due to
an earlier near lightening strike.

Thanks again Frank.


On 7/29/12, Frank Gilmore <klycotek01 at> wrote:
> I just read todays two messages pertaining to the sick FT1000 Field.  I
> too have a Field that I
> loaded with Inrad filters for CW and Digital.  Incredible xcvr.  So can
> feel for someone who
> has found theirs suddenly having hiccups.
> I agree with the S/N ratio measurement being a good test to perform, but
> only the well
> equipped bench is going to have what you need.  I spent over fifty years
> doing factory
> warrenty work on the major ham brands as well as selling the stuff. My
> beginning strategy
> to this problem is rather old fashioned but it is a starting point. Let
> me say first that the
> frequency shift problem really has me scratching my head.  Need to get
> my manuals out
> dig some.
> But the first thing I would do is be absolutely sure your ANT in path is
> correct.  Starting on
> a 'dead' frequency begin testing your coax in on Ant 1 and Ant 2 and RX
> only.  If you do have
> an external signal source such as a small rig on a dummy load turn it on
> as a reference point
> at low power keydown.  Note the measurements if they vary from the first
> three tests.  For
> now we are just making sure the signal path is solid.  If there is a
> variance then that is a good
> indicator the problem could be isolated to the complex input RF
> circuitry....which is much better than lower down the food chain. If the
> signal does not vary, attempt to tune the antenna tuner with a small
> amount of RF from the xmitr.  Be sure ant input is on connector selected.
> If perchan you do hear increased noise/signals from your RF source of
> low power that
> will tell you the tuner is working at least to some extent.  If it goes
> OK try it on other bands
> with the external source.  If the antenna tuning produces some effect
> that is a good sign, but if it does not then all is not well in the
> world.  Japanese and some US xcvrs have a very weak link in the internal
> autotuner hardware.  I have replaced blown tuners in several TS440s over
> the years from a nearby lightning hit at someones station.  They are
> very light
> grade in the choice of relays, coils, etc.  a good large external tuner
> is not as fast of course but wll take lots of lightning.
> Am not clear if you have a passband adaptor on your 1000 such as the
> ones sold by Inrad.
> That could be another source of signal loss.  I have a new one here I
> have never installed
> but know they have a good reputation.  I must say components look a
> little light duty.  But am biased because I am from the age of Collins
> KWS-1s, 30S1s, etc.
> At this point my next suspect would be the antenna switching relays from
> XMIT to RCV.  Lightning in my own shack several times killed the
> contacts on the relays in a couple of Drake lines and TS440.  I don't
> recall what the 1000 uses as far as ruggedness.  It is
> possible they use solid state switching and/or larger reed relays.
> I hope I haven't sent you to chasing your tail in circles.  hi.  My mind
> keeps locking on your
> statement that two or three menu settings brought it life but only those
> settings  Please let
> me knoww what those were.
> Last comment.  You mentioned possiblity of CPU problems.  That is an
> accurate statement.
> I bought a new TS940SAT in the late 80s what was a great rig....if you
> coud keep CPUs in
> it.  I sent it to Kenwood on the w coast twice for replacements under
> warrenty.  Due to a
> death in my family I had to raise money so traded it to a broadcast
> engineer.  Since then he
> desn't tell me how many moe cpu trips it has made to Kenwood.  I know
> from hamfests and
> an old Kenwood net that this turned out to be a very common problem.
> Just as the bad PC
> boards, failed pushbutton panel switches etc etc etc.
> I believe this came through on the Yaesu contesting group.  You might
> want to share your
> experiences on the FT-1000 group covers all the 1000 series from oldest
> to latest
> 73,
> Frank Gilmore  K0JPJ  ex-W5PVX
> Retired Lawman, business man, and university teacher among other parts
> of life.
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