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[SECC] Addendum: This Week's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Addendum: This Week's Contests
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 23:06:45 -0400
I got in too big a hurry and failed to mention that there will be a M/2 
operation at WW4LL this weekend with WA2MBP, KU8E, W4DXX, and others 
participating with Fred.  Could be another multi op in the SECC club, 
but no announcement yet.  Call anyone you hear and swap points on every 
band you can.  73, John, K4BAI.

Remember there is a club aggregate score competition, so show your club 
exactly at this on your Cabrillo file log entry:  "South East Contest 
Club" or "Alabama Contest Group."  The log checking software will be 
look for these exact words and won't recognize SECC, ACG, or other 

73, John, K4BAI.

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