Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. Florida QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q CW M Ph M Score Category Time St Club Misc
W4AN/M 2640 0 70 0 739,200 MSMobLPCW 20 FL SECC Ops:
K4BAI, KU8E 33 FL counties
W4SVO 459 971 76 90 627,148 SO LP Mix 18 FL SECC
AD8J/M 1346 60 64 27 500,864 SOMobLPMix 15 FL SECC 15 co
NF4A/M 1276 90 68 19 459,186 SOMobLPMix 19.5 FL FCG 16 co
K1GU 602 0 67 0 161,336 SO LP CW Many FL TCG
W4IX 285 47 67 29 118,464 SO LP Mix 19 SC SECC
N4JF 191 61 70 18 116,952 SOQRP Mix 19 AL ACG
N4PN 200 138 65 55 64,560 SO HP Mix 18 GA SECC
WA8REI 139 0 60 0 50,040 SO QRP CW __ MI SECC
WA1FCN 158 0 56 0 35,392 SO LP CW __ AL ACG
W4QO 88 0 49 0 25,872 SO(A)QRP CW _ GA SECC
W4NZ 169 17 64 12 23,430 SO HP Mix __ TN TCG SO2R
K1ZZI 160 0 56 0 17,920 SO(A)HP CW __ GA SECC
N4NX 92 0 46 0 16,928 SO(A)LP CW 5 GA SECC
N4DU 100 25 51 18 15,525 SO HP Mix 6 GA SECC
W5JR 72 0 38 0 10,944 SO(A)LP CW 5 GA SECC
W4UCZ 60 0 42 0 10,080 SO LP CW _ GA SECC
N4GG 108 0 45 0 9,720 SO(A)HP CW 4:14 GA SECC SO2R
K4HAL 109 0 43 0 9,374 SO HP CW 3 AL ACG
N4UC 54 0 34 0 7,344 SO LP CW 2 AL ACG
WB4SQ 34 7 (30) 4,500 SO LP Mix 2 GA SECC
K4NV 0 51 0 28 2,856 SO LP SSB 8 GA SECC
K4AMA 6 9 6 8 728 SO LP Mix 1 SC SECC
I think about 50% of the low power and QRP scores posted did not include
the power multipliers. I hope I have found and corrected those errors.
Multiply QSO points by 2 for LP and by 3 for QRP. I think this must be
an error in some popular logging program(s). The version of N1MM that
we used did include the power multiplier, so it must be other logging
programs or a different version of N1MM.
2. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 1300Z 4/25/12
N4JF 40 38 1,520 SOLP 1.0 AL ACG
W4DXX 45 30 1,350 SOHP _ GA ACG
K5TF 35 22 720 SOLP _ GA SECC
K1GU 29 21 609 SOLP 1.0 TN TCG
3. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 1900Z 4/25/12
W4DXX 58 38 2,204 SOHP 0:45 GA ACG
K1GU 27 26 702 SOLP 1.0 TN TCG
K5TF 18 16 288 SOLP _ GA SECC
4, CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 0300Z, 4/26/12
W4NZ 58 40 2,329 SOHP 1.0 TN TCG SO2R
W4DXX 47 45 2,115 SOHP 1.0 GA ACG
K5TF 31 22 682 SOLP _ GA SECC
5. NCCC NS Ladder 4/27/12
N4OGW 53 43 2,279 SOLP .5 MS ACG SO2R
W4NZ 45 38 1,710 SOLP .5 TN TCG SO2R
K4BAI 48 34 1,632 SOLP .5 GA SECC
K0EJ 31 27 837 SOLP .5 TN TCG
W4IX 24 18 396 SOLP .5 SC SECC
6. SP DX RTTY Contest
Call QSO DX M Con Score Category Time St Club
W4UK 313 (97) 1,205,904 SOAB HP 12.5 SC SECC
KM4JA 101 58 6 272,136 SOAB LP __ AL ACG
K4AMA 74 31 4 94,480 SOAB LP 6 SC SECC
7. BARTG RTTY Sprint 75
W4UK 70 34 4 9,520 SO HP 3.4 SC SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC RTTY Sprint Practice. 0130-0159Z Friday (Thursday night local)
20, 40, 80M RTTY. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange:
both calls, #, name, SPC. Frequencies around 80 kHz from the low end of
each band.
2. NCCC NS Ladder. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). 20, 40,
80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both
calls, #, name, SPC. Frequencies around 40 kHz from the low end of each
band (but 7020-7030 on 40M for the next two weeks due to 7O6T's RTTY
transmit frequency being announced as 7035 kHz).
3. 10-10 International Spring Contest, CW. Exchange: Name + 10-10
number if you have one + SPC. 48 hours of Saturday and Sunday UTC.
4. ARI (Italy) International DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M,
Phone, CW, RTTY (no RTTY on 160M). Exchange: RST + serial # or two
letter Italian province. Work everyone.
5. 7th Area QSO Party. 13Z Sat to 07Z Sun; 160-2M CW, Phone, Digital.
Exchange: RS(T) + 5 letter State/County Abbreviation or SPC.
6. Indiana QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun. 160-10M Phone, CW.
Exchange: RS(T) + SP/DX or IN county.
7. New England QSO Party. 20Z Sat to 05Z Sun; 13-24Z Sun. 80-10M
Phone, CW/Dig. Exchange: RS(T) + SP/DX or NE county/state.
8. Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint. 01-03Z Tuesday (Monday
night local). 80-10M CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST + SPC +
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Sprints. Three one hour mini sprints begin at
13Z and 19Z Wednesday and 03Z Thursday (Wed night local). 160-10M CW.
Exchange: name + CWOps # or SPC.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and a lot of fun and good QSOs.
73, John, K4BAI.