Hello guys: We could actually win the team competition! Our team
claimed score is 59,609. That is with all ten members reporting. N7WA
has it lower since N4OX checked the wrong team on the pull down and his
score is credited to SCCC instead.
The next team is just above 30,000. So, our lead isn't insurmountable,
but it seems that our dedication to a good team score might pay off. I
think the secret to making this contest fun again is to have more such
I recall in 1983 at the ARRL National Convention in Houston talking to
contesters and expressing some surprise that my NA Sprint SSB scores
were better than my NA Sprint CW scores. There must have been a lot
more phone participants then and the Sprints on phone were a lot more
fun. I think I was then on a team headed by WA2UOO (W2GD). Later, I
was on a team called the Midwest Pop Guns. I was recruited for that
team by Jeff, KB0RC (now N5TJ). It was a lot harder to organize teams
back then because it had to be done over the radio, telephone, or by
snail mail. I wouldn't want to go back to those days.
Thanks for participating in the team and keep up the good work! 73,
John, K4BAI.