Sorry for the bulk emailing, but there are so many of you on the Have
Participated Before list that I thought it would be more efficient to
send this message to everyone at the same time.
Odds are you?ve already seen updates about the BCQP in printed and
online sources. I?ve emailed clubs near and far, posted to reflectors
and groups, and contacted printed and online contest calendar managers.
And an article I submitted to The Canadian Amateur about QSO parties
appeared in the January/February 2012 issue. The publication timing was
When I google BCQP or its derivatives (BC QSO Party, British Columbia
QSO Party), I find that word of the 2012 event is spreading worldwide.
It's amazing. The rising profile of the BCQP will certainly attract more
participation inside and outside British Columbia, and the more on-air
activity there is, the more fun this will be.
I have attached the official invitation broadcast for reference, but
here are the key points.
1. BCQP 2012 will take place 1600z Feb 4 to 0400z Feb 5.
* Start time is the same, end time is earlier.
2. New sponsor: Orca DX and Contest Club
3. New sponsor callsign: VA7ODX
4. New place for rules, background, multipliers, etc.:
5. New contact: Contest Coordinator: me ; ) Rebecca, VA7BEC (email:
va7bec at rac.ca)
The object of the BCQP remains the same: VE7/VA7 stations work anyone in
36 federal electoral districts of B.C., as well as Canadian provinces,
U.S. states and DX countries. In this party, Hawaii and Alaska are
considered U.S. states, not DX. Non-B.C. stations are to work ONLY
VE7/VA7 stations.
Top scores in all categories will still receive very nice
photograph-based certificates showcasing BC scenery, so the reward for a
solid score could be a(nother?) pretty picture to hang on the shack wall.
It would be great if you are able to get on the air for BCQP 2012. Your
support in the past has been so very much appreciated, whether it was a
full-time effort or just an hour or two to listen for VE7/VA7s and boost
the Q counts and spirits of lonely ops calling CQ, CQ.
I will be on phone with the sponsor callsign, VA7ODX, so if you hear me
CQing, please drop by. We will have someone on CW as well, if that is
your preferred mode. Or try mixed.
73 and GL,
Rebecca VA7BEC
BCQP Contest Coordinator, Orca DXCC