Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. ARRL 160M Contest
Call QSO Sec DX Score Category Time St Club Misc
W8JI 1863 78 47 543,000 M/S HP 34 GA SECC Ops: VE7ZO, K1TO
N4PN 1044 74 22 209,664 M/S HP 24 GA SECC +PKT
N4DU 520 62 19 77,184 SO HP 10 GA SECC
K4BAI 497 61 11 74,376 SO HP 9:40 GA SECC
W5JR 329 68 15 47,804 M/S HP 8.9 GA SECC +PKT
KU8E 332 58 6 43,648 SO LP 5:24 GA SECC
K4HMB 200 57 0 23,655 SO HP 6 NC SECC
NM2L 183 41 1 15,498 SO LP 4 GA SECC
AE4O 131 44 1 11,660 SO LP 3 GA SECC
2. TARA RTTY Melee
Call QSO Sec DX Score Category Time St Club
KB4KBS 86 30 43 3,698 SO LP 7:30 GA SECC
3. 10 Meter RTTY Contest
KB4KBS 29 9 7 464 SO LP 2:45 GA SECC
4. December Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
This Week's Contests:
1. 40M QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local 0200-0330 UTC Friday.
7030-7050 kHz. Two foxes will be hiding somewhere in that segment. One
will be Dave, AB9CA, in AL and the other will be Greg, AB7R, in WA. Work
only the two foxes. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power.
2. NCCC NS Ladder. 0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). 20, 40,
80, 160M CW. Maximum power 100W. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: #, name,
SPC, both calls. Activity centers on 040 kHz plus 1815 kHz. I assume
there will be a slow speed SNS from 0200 to 0220Z with the same rules
except speeds 18-26 WPM and no 160M.
3. ARRL 10-Meter Contest. 48 hours of Saturday and Sunday UTC. 10M
CW/Phone. Exchange: RS(T) + US State, Canadian Prov, Mexican state or
serial #. Get a list of the Mexican states off the webpage. They now
count as mults. There is a club aggregate score competition. I know I
will have no chance to win, but I will be QRV as much as possible to
help the club score. 10M should be a lot of fun this weekend. Don't
forget the long path to Asia in the mornings.
4. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Saturday local, 13Z, 19Z and 03Z (Friday
UTC). 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Three separate 1
hour mini tests. Activity around 028 kHz on each band.
5. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon (WES). 24 hours of
Sunday UTC. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, SKCC# or "none." Use
mechanical key. Activity around 045-055 on most bands plus 1815 kHz.
6. Colorado QRP Club Snowshoe Run. 2100-2259Z Sunday. 20M CW. 5W
maximum power. Exchange: RST, SPC, Ant Class, CQC# or power. Work each
station a maximum of three times with 30 minutes between QSOs. Ant
classes are such as: B for beam, V for vertical, W for wire, etc.
7. Tuesday night 80M QRP Fox Hunt. Same rules as for 40M Fox Hunt on
Thursdays except frequency range is 3550-3570.
8. North American QRP CW Club December Straight Key/Bug Sprint.
0130-0330Z Wednesday (Tuesday night local). 80, 40, 20M CW. 5W maximum
power. Exchange: RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power. Multiply score by two for
SK and by 1.5 for bug.
9. CWOps Club CWT. Wednesday local date. Three different mini tests,
one at 13Z, one at 19Z and one at 03Z Thursday. Rules same as for CWTs
run Saturday.
Hope everyone has a good week and a lot of QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.