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[SECC] KB4KBS: CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Subject: [SECC] KB4KBS: CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
From: scottstraw at (Scott Straw)
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 06:53:39 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: KB4KBS
Operator(s): KB4KBS
Station: KB4KBS

Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   40:   38    11       25
   20:   40    13       32
   15:   43    15       32
   10:   39    14       31
Total:  160    53      120  Total Score = 75,774

Club: South East Contest Club


I am not a CW operator but I do enjoy contesting; so like a moth to a porch
light, I couldn't keep myself away.  I had numerous interruptions and prior
obligations so I tended to just scan the band map and cherry pick green and red
highlighted stations that were multipliers.  I discovered that if I knew what
call sign I was supposed to be listening for, I could hear and decode it in my
brain well enough determine if the zone in the exchange matched the prompted
answer provided by N1MM.  On a slower band like 80M (now), I might be able to
hold my own as a multiplier rig op at a M/1 effort.

I hope I was able to pick up a few more new countries in order to achieve DXCC
for the first time - I'm jealous of you who were able to work 100+ unique
countries on multiple bands in the contest.

160 Qs in 8 hours spread over five time windows yields a 100% S&P rate of 20 Qs
per hour.  

CW and RTTY are my wife's favorite contests as they are much less noisy than
when I shout my call sign "one hundred ba-zillion times" in a SSB event.

Kenwood TS-450SAT
MFJ 407B
Bencher BY-2
RigBlaster Plus
MFJ 949B
G5RV at 30'

Thanks to all for the contacts,


Scott Straw, KB4KBS
Roswell, Georgia USA

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