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[SECC] Roster

Subject: [SECC] Roster
From: w4mja at (Michael Almeter)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 16:45:00 -0800 (PST)
Hello All,?
? ? ?Would everyone please take a moment to visit the SECC webpage 
?, click on the "Club Roster" bar, and check your 
information listed? There was an incident earlier with one member not appearing 
on the roster, even though they had joined last Spring. Potentially, there 
could be others this has happened to accidentally over the years. I'm currently 
trying to make sure everything is as up to date as possible.

I've checked, and I believe the last call for a "roster update" was done in 
October, 2009. If you have changed anything in the last two years such as your 
address, call sign, etc and are unsure if it's noted on the roster - would you 
please email me? It's better to make sure it's correct than just assume it is. 
As well, if anyone notices an SK on the roster, would you send me a note??

Once I collect all the updates, I'll make sure that the corrected information 
is listed on the website as well.?
? ? ??
SECC Secretary
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