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[SECC] Reminder: Winter Fox Hunt Schedule Begins Tuesday Night

Subject: [SECC] Reminder: Winter Fox Hunt Schedule Begins Tuesday Night
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 13:36:59 -0500
I forgot to mention in last week's report that the Tuesday night QRP fox 
hunts on 80M and Thursday night QRP Fox Hunts on 40M begin this week. 
Here is a reminder.  They are 0200-0330Z and on 3550-3570 and 7030-7050 
kHz.  There should be two QRP foxes each night and you would work only 
these two.  There is a full schedule on the QRP Fox Hunt Home Page. 
AA4GA and K4BAI will be foxes this season.  73, John, K4BAI.

The Game Warden has finally given us the nod.
We have his permission to kick off the Fox Hunt Season Local time 7pm 
Mountain Time Tuesday evening, on 80 meters. That would be 0200z on 
Wednesday GMT.
The hunt will run for a whole 90 minutes.

N0UR  and WC7S will be the two FOXii in the woods.

WC7S will be using all of his antennas, with a K2, within 10 Khz of 
3.560Mhz. The antennas are 3 EDZs, 360 foot long, 50 foot high, fed with 
open line, spread around to cover the compass. Also at rx will be a 
vertical on a steel roof and a 90 ft dipole at 40 feet. He will be using 
N1MM logging, with real signal reports, so don't expect the same report 
all night long. With the antenna switch at hand, signal strength will 
vary almost instantly, sometimes between your call, and the answer. With 
the blessings of the prop gods, goddess, and Murphy, the band will 
cooperate, and we will open the season with a BANG! (oh.. maybe that was 
too close, spooked the fox, you know, loud noises and such)
In the effort to grab a pelt, it may work well for the fox to advise "up 
or dn" 1 or 2. IF that happens, try to spread out from the exact 1 or 2 
distance. Make one call, and remember, a difference in timing helps.

Let's see... exchange
that should just about do it... a final "TU" or otherwise "QSL" and 
you've got yourself a brand new season pelt! That easy.
For additional information - check out -

Note: Teams registration is still open, if you have a team to be 
registered, don't wait too much longer.

I'm convinced that the hounds in our FOXHUNTS are a step above, with 
skill and very much the gentlemen of the hobby.

"It's a fine fox chase, my boys!"
George Washington, Battle of Princeton, 1777

--... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy

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