Yes. I also enjoy the CQP and have enjoyed the bottle of wine awarded
to the top 20 non-CA (and top 20 CA) scores. The wine comes from the
vineyard of one of the NCCC members each year.
The CQP is well attended with activity on all open bands on CW and SSB.
Without extensive research, I can't be sure when I first participated in
a CQP, but I specifically recall being QRV in CQP in 1968 when I was
HL9KQ in Korea. I am sure I must have won for Korea.
I see that the CQP rules were revamped by Rusty Epps, W6OAT in 1975.
Rusty grew up in Columbus, GA as K4BVD and originated the GQP for the
Columbus Amateur Radio Club in 1962. Look for him in CQP each year.
Some years, he is mobile. Don't specifically know of his plans for this
Our late GA SM and Asst SE Division Director, Sandy Donahue, W4RU used
to fly to CA to work the CQP with K0DI and others.
There is a club aggregate score competition. Club is as defined by
ARRL, so entries are limited to those within the 175 mile radius circle
illustrated on the club's website. This includes most of GA (not
extreme NW GA or extreme SW GA, most of SC except very far east SC
around K2SX's QTH, part of western NC, a bit of FL north of
Jacksonville, and part of east AL near Columbus. SECC has placed second
to TCG or CCO in past years. Maybe we can win the category this year.
So, be sure to send in your log to the sponsor and to show in the header
With pretty good band conditions for the past week and fair propagation
predictions for this weekend, this could be a great contest. A lot of
fun for all. Work only CA stations, of course.
Exchange is # and state or # and CA county. Maximum time for single op
unassisted stations is 24 hours. 15 minutes is the minimum off-time for
single ops. Use of packet spots of skimmer is not permitted for single
ops, but single ops may enter in the M/S class and use spots and operate
up to the whole 30 hours.
160-2M CW and phone. 16Z Sat (noon Sat EDT) to 2200Z Sun (6 PM EDT
Sunday). Awards at three power levels, HP, LP, QRP.
Special awards for top scoring YL operators inside CA and outside. Same
for "youth operators' defined as 18 years old or younger.
So, get on the air this weekend and have fun in the CQP.
73, John, K4BAI.