Thanks to Bob, K4UEE and Chaz, W4GKF for posting information about
N4AA's heart attack and recovery. Some of you may not realize that a
good deal of western NC is included in our club circle, including the
QTH of N4AA. Carl is an SECC member, as well as the editor and
publisher of QRZDX and The DX Magazine. He is probably not subscribed
to the reflector and he doesn't submit many scores for any club that I
am aware of, but he is active in contests. I have been working Carl
since he was W0YFT in MO back in the mid 1950s. He has my prayers for a
complete recovery. K4HMB in NC is active in contests and submitting
scores for SECC and joining in SECC teams. We need to encourage more
activity from all areas inside our circle and outside insofar as teams
are concerned. 73, John, K4BAI.