Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. RAC Canada Day Contest:
Call CW Q CW M Ph Q Ph M Score Category Time St Club
K4BAI 442 33 329 23 268,128 SOABMixHP 15:48 GA SECC
N4DU 221 23 18 6 59,538 SOABMixHP 3.7 GA SECC
N4GG 329 28 0 0 50,568 SOABCW HP 5:51 GA SECC
W4NZ 300 22 0 0 39,952 SOABCW HP 5 TN TCG
K1GU 228 22 0 0 31,768 S0ABCW HP 4.1 TN TCG
Several other South East stations were QRV, but these are all the scores
I have been able to find so far. A fun contest. I was able to make
some QSOs on six bands, 160 to 10M and I know some 6M QSOs were made too.
2. DL-DX RTTY Contest
K4HMB 189 80 172,400 SOAB6-LP 6 NC SECC
K4DLI 129 65 106,275 SOAB6-HP _ GA SECC
KG4IGC 100 28 49,140 SOAB6-LP 6:09 SC LCCC
K9MUG/4 93 20 21,100 SOAB6-HP 3 AL ACG
Jim, K4DLI, points out that it requires a minimum of three club members
to submit scores for a listing in the results, so we need one more from
SECC if anyone else was QRV.
3. YV (Venezuela) Independence Contest
Call CW Q PH Q Mul Score Category Time St Club
K4BAI 42 13 40 8,040 SOABMixHP 3:27 GA SECC
4. Michigan QRP Club 4th of July Sprint
K4BAI 62 38 5,738 SOQRP5W 3:34 GA SECC
5. July ARS Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 36 36 SOQRP5W(Tubby) 2.0 GA SECC
The last two hours of the MiQRP test were also the two hours of the ARS
Spartan Sprint. The exchange was the same and the only difference was
that 160M is included for MiQRP and not for ARS. N4DU was QRV and we
ran the bands, 40 to 80 to 160M and that was fun.
This Week's Contests:
1. 10-10 International Club Spirit of 76 QSO Party continues until
2400Z Sunday. There have been a lot of openings on 10M this week to New
England, TX, and South America, and probably elsewhere. Good 6M
openings too. Exchange is Name and SPC and 10-10# if you have one.
2. NCCC Thursday night practices resume this week. I haven't seen an
announcement yet, so assume they will be by the usual rules. I will
post any announcement that I receive.
3. QRP Fox Hunts resume this week on Thursday nights local time on 20M.
01-0230Z Friday. 14050 to 14070 kHz. Exchange: RST, Name, SPC,
Power. Work only the two Foxes each week. I will be a Fox the next
Thursday night.
4. FISTS CW Club Summer Sprint. 00-04Z Sat (Friday night local time).
80-10M CW. Maximum power 100W. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + FISTS#
or power.
5. IARU HF World Championship. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW/Phone.
Exchange: RS(T) + ITU Zone or society abbreviation for IARU society
HQ stations or "AC" or "R1, R2, or R3" for certain officials of IARU.
Due to the kindness of W8JI, I will be guest op at his station using the
SECC club call, W4AN, SO AB HP Mixed Mode. Hope to work many of you on
many bands. Erik, N5WR, from Chattanooga is at the same station that
several of us have rented on Bonaire SO at R signing PJ4C. I think he will
be CW only, but am not sure. He and his father are now QRV from this
new DXCC entity as PJ4/N5WR and PJ4/K5WE.
6. Straight Key Century Club Week End Sprint (WES). 24 hours of Sunday
UTC. 160-6M CW. Use mechanical key. Exchange: RST, Name, SPC, SKCC#
or power.
7. QRPARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint. 2000-2359Z Sunday. 160-10M CW.
Exchange: RST + SPC + ARCI# or power. You don't have to be homebrew,
but if you use homebrew or kit gear, you get extra points.
8. North American QRP CW Club European Monthly Sprint. 18-20 UTC
Monday. 80-20M CW. 5 watt maximum. Exchange: RST + Country + NAQCC#
or power.
9. CWOps Club CWT Mini Sprints. Three one-hour contests. Wednesday
local time. 13Z, 19Z, and 03Z (Thursday UTC). 20, 40, 80M CW. Look
around 028 kHz on each band. Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC if you
don't have a number yet.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs,
particularly in IARU HF, which is a popular contest and a qualifier for
WRTC 2014.
73, John, K4BAI.