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[SECC] Fw: ARRL Dx Contest

Subject: [SECC] Fw: ARRL Dx Contest
From: w4svo at (W4SVO)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 13:55:27 -0400

From: W4SVO 
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 1:51 PM
To: ns3t at 
Subject: ARRL Dx Contest

Hi Jamie, Hope all is well with you. Here is my take on this subject. It gets 
kinda of old seeing the same multi stations winning year after year. If ARRL 
was to use distance as a system to gives points per QSO, then the playing field 
would level out to where the guys farther south, and in the midwest would 
actually have a chance in being competitive. Take NR5M, lots of money invested 
in big antennas, never going to win though, too far away! NQ4I , very good 
contest station, but too far south ! NR4M  in Virginia, even they can not crack 
the top 3. So this is why some old contest stations are no longer competing, 
N4RJ, W4MYA and others. They know they can not compete with the NE Boys, only 
K3LR can compete. So this discourages people from operating these contests, 
cause they can never win! I read what VY2ZM wrote. He  has spent a lot of time 
and investment in his station on PEI. He also knows that through the years he 
has seen how well VE1ZZ, Jack has done from his location. He also knows that 
his location is optimal for working  dx contests. He is the closest to Europe!! 
This is why ops from Europe go to EA8, CU2, CT3 and northern Africa, because 
this is the best location in the world, close to Europe and straight across the 
water to USA! I know that by leveling the playing field more people would want 
to participate. I hope that the rules will be changed. Now we will be able to 
see who the really great operators are, not just the ones closest to Europe. 
Mark W4SVO
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