Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCJ North American Sprint, CW Team
K4BAI 272 41 11,152 SOHP 4 GA SECC SECC#1
W4NZ 262 41 10,742 SOHP 4 TN TCG Ad Hoc SO2R
K0EJ 244 40 9,760 SOHP 4 TN TCG SECC#1
K1ZZI 239 39 9,321 SOHP 4 GA SECC SECC#1
W4OC 225 40 9,000 SOLP 4 SC SECC Ad Hoc SO2R
K7SV 210 41 8,610 SOLP 4 VA PVRC SECC#1
KU8E 207 41 8,487 SOLP 4 GA SECC SECC#1
N4DW 212 40 8,480 SOHP 4 TN TCG SECC#2
K2SX 202 41 8,282 SOHP _ SC SECC SECC#1
K9AY 209 39 8,151 SOHP 3.5 WI SMC SMC Snowbound
W4AU 194 39 7,566 SOHP 4 VA SECC#1 SO2R
K4QPL 184 41 7,544 SOHP 4 NC PVRC SECC#1
N4PN 188 39 7,332 SOLP 4 GA SECC SECC#2
W9SN 189 39 7,137 SOHP _ IN SECC#2
N4OX 165 39 6,435 SOLP 4 FL ACG SECC#2
KY4F 178 36 6,408 SOLP 4 AL ACG SECC#1
K1GU 142 35 4,970 SOLP 2.4 TN TCG SECC#2
N5VI 126 36 4,536 SOLP 4 GA SECC SECC#1
Team Scores:
SECC#1 81,666
SECC#2 34,396
All team members have reported. We will have at least one SECC team in
NA Sprint SSB this Saturday night. Who wants to join K4BAI, N4PN, and
NA4BW on that team? E-mail me ASAP.
2. Minnesota QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mul Score Category Time St Club
N4PN 144 109 71 28,187 SOHP 9 GA SECC
N4JF 136 0 70 24,360 SOLP 10 AL ACG
K4ZGB 148 0 67 22,981 SOLP 10 AL ACG
N4UC 108 0 60 12,960 SOLP 6 AL ACG
K1ZZI 62 0 36 4,464 SOHP 1.1 GA SECC
NM2L 48 0 30 2,880 SOLP 4 GA SECC
WX4MAP 8 3 11 146 SOLP 3 AL
K4BAI 1 0 1 2 SOHP 0:01 GA SECC
3. Mexico RTTY International Contest
AA4YL 223 54 19,376 SO1RHP 17 AL ACG At W4HOD
K4HAL 144 33 11,484 SO1RHP 3 AL ACG
KB4KBS 37 12 1,056 SO1RLP 3.5 GA SECC
4. FOC Marathon
Call QSO Bonus Pts Score Category Time St Club
K4BAI 646 524 1,170 Open HP 18:33 GA SECC
KU8E 265 144 409 Restricted _ GA SECC
5. Delaware QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Category Time St
WX4MAP 1 1 4 12 SOLP 1.0 AL
6. Vermont QSO Party
WX4MAP 3 2 6 22 SOLP 2.5 AL
7. British Columbia QSO Party
WX4MAP 2 0 2 16 SOLP 0.5 AL
K4BAI 1 0 1 4 SOHP 0.01 GA SECC
8. YL International SSBers Contest, CW
WX4MAP 1 1 3 SOLP 0.1 AL
9. FYBO QRP Contest
WX4MAP 1 0 1 3 SOQRP 0.1 AL
10. Febryary Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint
I forgot about this monthly fun QRP event until it was almost over.
11. Black Sea Cup
K4BAI 1 0 1 10 SOSB/40HP 0:01 GA SECC
12. February North American QRP CW Club, StraightKey/Bug Sprint
K4BAI 46 20 3,640 S0QRP5W HK 1:45 GA SECC
N4SAM 14 11 462 QRP Bug AL
W4JVY 9 4 136 QRP HK AL
WB5NMZ 9 7 126 QRP AL
WS4P 6 5 120 QRP HK SC
13. CWOps February CWT 1100Z
I should mention that I try to report the scores as they are reported to
me. If I can clear up any inconsistency with poster of the scores, I
will. But, sometimes, as illustrated above, it is hard for me to tell
who made an error in the claimed score and what that error was. So, in
those cases, I report them as I have received them even though they may
not be quite consistent with other scores or with the rules of the
particular contest.
This week's contests:
1. CWOps CWT one hour contests. 1900-1959Z today (Wed). 0300-0359Z
Thursday (Wednesday night local). 20, 40, 80M CW. Exchange: Name +
CWOps # or SPC. Look around the "7s", like 7017, 7027, 7037. Most
activity seems to be up and down from 027 on each band.
2. 40M QRP Fox Hunts. Thursday local, 0200-0330Z Friday. 7040-7060
CW. 5W maximum power. Look for two QRP Foxes hiding in those 20 kHz.
Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Work only the two Foxes.
3. NCCC NA Sprint Practices. SNS, slow speed practice, 0200-0220Z
Friday (Thursday night local). 100W maximum power. 18 WPM maximum
speed for first 10 minutes, 26 WPM maximum thereafter. One kHz QSY
rule. Exchange: Both calls, #, name, SPC.
NS Ladder. 0200-0259Z Friday (Thurs local). Same rules as above except
no speed limit and add 160M band.
4. NAQCC Monthly European Sprint. 1900-2000 Wednesday (today). 80,
40. 20 CW. 5W maximum power. Exchange: RST, Country, NAQCC# or power.
Look around 14060 kHz. Double your score if using a hand key and 1 1/2
times score if using a bug.
5. NCCC is also sponsoring some RTTY WPX practice sessions. I
forwarded the announcement, but didn't keep a copy. I think they are
2200-2230Z Thursday and 0300-0330Z Friday (Thursday local). Real RTTY
rules otherwise.
6. YLRL YL-OM Contest. 1400Z Friday to 0200Z Sunday. All contest
bands. CW/Digital and SSB, but these are two different contests.
Exchange: QSO# + RS(T) + ARRL section or VE province or country. Work
only the opposite sex.
7. PODXS 070 Club Valentine Sprint. 2000 local time Friday to 0200
Local time Saturday. 160, 80, 40M PSK31. Maximum power: 5W. Exchange:
Name + "OM" or "YL" + SPC. Can't tell you how much I disapprove of
contests that operate on "local" time. Do the sponsors think you will
work only people who are in your same time zone? It sets it up so that
some will never be able to work others because the contest time will not
be active for one or the other.
8. CQ WPX RTTY Contest. 48 hours of the weekend UTC. 80-10M RTTY. 30
hour maximum operating time for single ops with one hour minimum off
times. Exchange: RST + Serial #. Roger, N4RR, will be QRV from
Bonaire as PJ4R, QSL via N4RR.
9. SARL Field Day Contest. 10Z Sat to 10Z Sun. 160-10M CW, SSB,
Digital. Maximum power 100W. Exchange: RST + Category. (Home
stations are category "E.") Work only South Africa stations and only
once per band, not per band and mode.
10. Asia-Pacific Spring Sprint. 11-13Z Sat. 40, 20M CW. Suggested
freq: 7015-7040; 14030-14050. Exchange: RST + Serial #. Work only
A-P stations. One kHz QSY rule. Non-A=P stations may run highest legal
11. Dutch PACC Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW/SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or Dutch province abbreviation. Work only
Dutch stations. A rule change this year allows QSOs on CW and SSB with
a station on each band.
12. Louisiana QSO Party. 15Z Sat to 03Z Sun. 160-2M CW/Phone.
Exchange: RS(T) + SPC or LA parish. Bonus points for QSO with W5YL.
13. OMISS QSO Party. 160-10M SSB. Exchange: RS + SPC + OMISS# if you
are a member.
14. New Hampshire QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun; 12 to 22Z Sun. All
contest bands. CW/Digital, Phone. Exchange: RS(T) + S/P or NH County.
DX stations send QSO#. Work only NH stations of course. Bonus
stations: W1WQM, W1WMV, W1FZ, K1BKE, K1NCR, N1QC.
15. FISTS Winter Sprint. 17-21Z Saturday. 80-10M CW. Maximum power:
100W. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + FISTS# or power.
16. National Contest Journal, North American Sprint, SSB. 00-04Z Sun
(Sat night local). 20, 40, 80M SSB. Exchange: both calls, #, name,
SPC. One and Five kHz QSY rules. Team competition among teams with up
to 10 members. I will register SECC team(s). All are welcome. Please
e-mail me ASAP to be on a team.
17. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprint (WES). 24 hours of Sunday
UTC. 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST + Name + SPC or power. Bonus station
is KP2/W2DEC, Urb visiting in US Virgin Islands.
18. 80M QRP Fox Hunt Tuesday night local. Same rules as for the 40M
Fox Hunt on Thursday night local except the frequencies are 3550 to 3570.
Whee! If you can't find some contest to interest you this weekend, you
aren't trying very hard. Hope everyone has a fun weekend and a lot of
73, John, K4BAI