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[SECC] Revised Single Op Rule for NAQP

Subject: [SECC] Revised Single Op Rule for NAQP
From: thompson at (David Thompson)
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 2010 19:03:27 -0500
Too bad NAQP changed the rule.  I for one still do not see an advanced 
technology such as CW skimmer the same as outside spots.   I feel that if 
"that" group makes a decision against something it is the law.  I heard the 
same thing when memory keyers or digital voice keyers came along.  Guess 
they decided they were good.  One N3 can run an entire contest without 
touching anything but PF keys on either CW or SSB.

Few can run assisted faster than a good single op and it takes years to get 
to where Chas K3WW is on assisted.  CW skimmer with all its warts will 
probably slow down a good op.  I hear RTTY and SSB skimmers are coming..hold 
on to your hat.

73 Dave K4JRB

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