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[SECC] Revised Weekly Report

Subject: [SECC] Revised Weekly Report
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:04:12 -0500
Oops. I left KG4CUY off the Stew Perry report.  Very sorry.

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests

1.  NCCC Ladder, 12/17/10
N4OGW  63  46  2,898  SOLP  0.5  MS  ACG   SO2R
W4NZ   50  38  1,900  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG   SO2R
K4BAI  49  34  1,666  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
KY4F   40  30  1,200  SOLP  0.5  AL  ACG
N4DU   28  25    700  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  RAC Winter Contest
Call    CW Q  Ph Q  CW M  Ph M  Score    Category  Time  St  Club  Misc
N4PN    445   677   50    43    701,964  SOMixHP   18    GA  SECC
N4NO    396   111   43    30    271,998  SOMixHP   15    AL  ACG
K4BAI   355   145   36    28    225,664  SOMixHP    7:46 GA  SECC
K1ZZI   665     0   50     0    206,400  SOCW HP   13.6  GA  SECC
N4DU    215     0   34     0     64,672  SOCW HP    7    GA  SECC
K4ZGB   244     0   36     0     61,272  SOCW LP    6    AL  ACG
N4UC    269     0   33     0     57,684  SOCW HP    7.5  AL  ACG
W4NBS    77    33   24    15     40,794  SOMixHP    3.75 AL  ACG
N4GG    194     0   21     0     26,544  SOCW HP    3:13 GA  SECC
W4UCZ   117     0   20     0     17,160  SOCW LP    6    GA  SECC
AE4O     29     0   13     0      4,550  SOCW LP    1.5  GA  SECC
KB4KBS   51     0   10     0      2,820  SOCW LP    ___  GA  SECC

3.  OK DX RTTY Contest
Call   QSO  DX  OK  Score   Category   Time  St  Club  Misc
K9MUG  177  35  11  34,224  SOSB/40HP  4     AL  ACG
AE4Y   131  41   5  13,524  SOAB LP    5     GA  SECC

4.  Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge
K4ZGB  276  1,534    SOLP   6    AL  ACG
N4PN   361  1,192    SOHP   9    GA  SECC
KU8E   160  1,036.5  SOLP  ~6    GA  SECC
N4DU   315    975    SOHP   8    GA  SECC
W4IX   176    645    SOLP   6    SC  SECC
N4NO   189    577    SOHP   3.5  AL  ACG
KR4F   153    558    SOLP   3.25 AL  ACG
K4LY    80    537    SOQRP  _    SC
N4NM   127    507    SOLP   4    AL  ACG
NM2L   145    493    SOLP   4.5  GA  SECC
N4UC   100    352    SOLP   2    AL  ACG
AG4W    90    297    SOHP   3    AL  ACG
KG4CUY 101    286    SOHP   _    AL  ACG
AE4O    73    242    SOLP   4    GA  SECC
KS4L    78    231    SOLP   2.3  AL  ACG
WB4MAK  72    184    SOHP   _    GA  SECC
KB4KBS  32    101    SOLP   _    GA  SECC
N4GG    51      1    SOQRP  1    GA  SECC

I am aware that the scores listed here are not consistent.  Some logging 
programs must figure the claimed scores differently.  Apparently, some 
include a power multiplier and others do not.  The actual scores will 
also depend on how many QRP and LP stations you worked and copied 
correctly.  These points are added by the log checking software after it 
can determine the power of the stations worked.

5.  QRPARCI Holiday Spirits Home Brew Sprint
K4BAI  45  31  42,966  SOQRP5W  4.0  GA  SECC

6.  ARRL Rookie Round Up
WA4YG   93  39  4,485  Rookie      5.5   GA  SECC  At K1ZZI
AE4Y    20             Non Rookie  _     GA  SECC
WX4MAP   2   2      8  Non Rookie  0:10  AL  RCRC
K4BAI    2   2      8  Non Rookie  0:02  GA  SECC

7.  December Flying Pigs QRP Club, Run for the Bacon
W4CUX  11  8  248  SOQRP5W  __    GA
K4BAI  10  8  192  SOQRP5W  1:55  GA  SECC
W4CJV   4  3   36  SOQRP5W  __    GA

8.  Croatian (9A) CW Contest
K4BAI  198  66  46,332  SOABHP  6:33  GA  SECC
N4NO   145  70  41,160  SOABHP  _     AL  ACG

9.  Straight Key Century Club December Straight Key Sprint (SKS)
K4BAI  51  27  1,712  SOHP  1:47  GA  SECC
W4CUX  25  14    515  SOLP  _     GA
W4FOA  14  12    238  SOLP  _     GA
W4TMW  13  11    228  SOLP  _     GA
AI4UN  10   8    130  SOLP  _     GA
K4JPN   5   4     50  SOLP  _     GA
W4CJV   2   2     24  SOLP  _     GA
K4UFT   3   3     19  SOLP  _     SC

This week's Contests:

1.  40M QRP CW Fox Hunt.  Thursday night local, 0200-0230Z Friday. 
7030-7050 CW.  Two Foxes (N1IX, Dave in NH and K9JWV, Jim in UT).  5W 
maximum power.  Work only the two foxes.  Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, 
Power.  Foxes will likely start off split and then go to simplex when 
the pile ups died down.

2.  NCCC Thursday night NA Sprint CW Practice.  The NCCC Ladder Series 
takes off two weeks during the holidays.  On these nights, there is 
always some kind of a practice and the rules and times may change from 
week to week.  This week the time is later and the slow speed and high 
speed practices are combined into one NS.  0300-0400Z Friday (Thursday 
night local) 20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W maximum power.  Keep speeds to 
26 WPM and lower for the first 15 minutes.  Same band dupes OK after one 
intervening QSO. Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.

3.  RAEM Contest.  0000-1159Z Sunday (starts Saturday night).  80-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  serial # plus latitude and longitude in degrees.  For 
example:  00157N85W.  Directions:  N, S, W, and O (O stands for East).

4.  80M QRP CW Fox Hunt.  Same as 40M rules. Different Foxes. 
Frequencies between 3550 and 3570.

Not much contest activity this week for obvious reasons.  Hope everyone 
has a great holiday with your families.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Time to begin thinking of New Year's resolutions.  May I suggest to be 
more active on the air, particularly in contests, and to support your 
local contest club(s)?

73, John, K4BAI.

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