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[SECC] South East Contest Club Team Registration for NA Sprint CW

Subject: [SECC] South East Contest Club Team Registration for NA Sprint CW
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:10:53 -0400
Hello all:

Here is the team I have registered for NA Sprint CW tomorrow night:


We did have one more volunteer and I want to give credit to Mark, K0EJ, 
for being willling to help us fill out the team if needed.  He is 
uncertain if or how much he will be able to operate.

A few notes:  You may put your team name "South East Contest Club" in 
the header of your Cabrillo file by adding it with a text editor such as 
Notepad.  But you need not do so.  The sponsor will pick up the scores 
for the team members from the team registration.

The deadline for log submission is 7 days after the contest. Don't 
forget.  Be sure that you get an acknowledgment and preserve that 
acknowledgment message until the results are announced.

They prefer that you upload your logs via an internet page. It is simple 
and easy.  Also, you may send your log in as an attachment to an e-mail. 
  Please post your claimed score to the 3830 reflector  and send a copy 
to the SECC reflector or to me and please do that promptly.  Tuesday 
will be OK, but no harm in doing it earlier.

If you are having trouble calling people as they finish up a QSO because 
they keep answering stronger stations, pick a frequency high in the band 
and one low in the band and call CQ at your speed.  You will get 
answers.  If one of "your" frequencies is busy, move just a little and 
call CQ.  Be constantly calling or answering CQs.  Keep your BIC.  After 
all, it is only four hours.

If you want more tips, do a search of the cq-contest archives for tips 
on NA Sprint operating from our founder, Bill Fisher, W4AN.

I can change the registration before the contest starts if some 
emergency comes up.  Be sure to let me know so I can re-register if you 
will not be using your own call.  I have to register with the call of 
the operator and the call "used," so it won't work if you don't use your 
own call.  If you will use another call, let me know and I'll 
re-register the team with that call in the list.

Special thanks to John, W4AU in VA and Doug, KY4F in AL for joining in 
to help us form a full team (and to K0EJ as previously mentioned).

Have a lot of fun, work me on three bands, and have a great score.  I 
hope everyone makes a personal best.

20M may close early, so don't neglect 20M at the start.  40M may go 
long, so you may want to get in a few local states on 40M fairly early. 
  Mults are North American states, provinces/areas of Canada, and North 
American countries (see rules).

Remember that there is a 30-minute NA Sprint practice tonight with 
regular NA Sprint rules.  0230-0259Z.  If you can, get on, make QSOs, 
check out your logging programs, and have some fun as you warm up for 
tomorrow night's event.

I want to encourage those who didn't sign up for the team to get on too, 
tonight and/or tomorrow, get your "feet wet," help make your call known 
to other Sprinters, and have some CW fun.

For the phone enthusiasts or the mutli talented mode operators, the next 
Saturday will be the NA Sprint SSB contest. It would be nice to have a 
full team for it also.  So, let me know immediately if you would like to 
be on the SSB team.  I can register the team, but will not be able to be 
full time on SSB this year.

73, John, K4BAI.

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