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[SECC] GL to our new officers in the coming year

Subject: [SECC] GL to our new officers in the coming year
From: na4bw at (Brian Wilcox)
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 18:21:39 -0400

I just wanted to make a final 'official' announcement on my last day as 
President of the SECC and wish the club as well as the incoming officers the 
very best in 2010/2011.

For your consideration:

Become an officer of the club - Hopefully you too will consider an officer 
position at some point in the future, as it is really is the best way to 
understand the interworkings/challenges/opportunities the club faces and put 
your signature on its' future course. I have learned and been involved in many 
situations in the past 12 months in this position and can assure you that there 
are many tireless and selfless folks behind the scenes that help make this club 

Support the SECC - I have always felt competition is a great thing and we 
certainly have plenty of it from the surrounding clubs. Isn't that a big reason 
why you like to contest!!??  So - get on the air - target some contests- do 
more than you did last year - score higher than you did before. It's a lot more 
fun when we have 30 and 40 guys in the NAQP v. just 5 or 6. Sweepstakes - 
remember the battle cry - we have won the gavel twice before and not that long 
ago- we CAN win it again. That is - IF we show up and go after it. These are 
just 2 contest examples as there are multiple opportunities to score big with 
other contests and help the SECC. 

Have fun. But have more fun by participating on a SECC team. 

Thx for everything this past year and 73's to all. I'll see you on all 6 and 
promise you I'll be on a team. Will you join me?

Brian NA4BW
2009/2010 SECC President

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