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[SECC] June VHF Contest

Subject: [SECC] June VHF Contest
From: scottstraw at (scottstraw at
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 12:37:43 +0000
I spent the day at NR5M (EM10) on Saturday and can affirm your statement. 
George has "mega- beams" that kept us busy all day. They almost were a 
disadvantage because they were so narrowly focused - the rotors really got a 
workout! Most of our log when I left was from 8, 9, 3, 2, 1, and VE3 with a 
smattering of VA/NC 4-land. I heard K4BAI on CW but my fist was too poor to 
return - I hope one of the other ops tagged him.
At 0300Z when I left,  they were turning their attention to the left coast and 
NW. I would not be surprised if the picked up some JA stations also.
This was my first exposure to 6M. It makes me wonder if this is an anomaly of 
the contest weekend, or is there really that much activity on 50mHz?  

Houston, TX 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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