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[SECC] Rain and WPX

Subject: [SECC] Rain and WPX
From: w4mja at (Michael Almeter)
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 15:06:36 -0700 (PDT)
Just pulled up the weather for Marietta (30068) this weekend... looks like rain 
will be an annoyance/problem during parts of this weekend during WPX. There is 
quite a bit of rough weather in Alabama at the moment (6:02 PM EST), and it 
looks like it will be moving towards GA tonight.?The station is geared up for a 
full 36 hour effort, but lighting might be a problem not only as a noise 
source, but as a potential driving force to unplug everything. Not to mention, 
the OWL feeders here, don't care that much for water.Currently: Thunder and 
lightning, mixed with heavy rain in Marietta.

Mike Almeter



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