Below is information on the Armed Forces Day Military/Amateur Crossband
Communications Test to be held 8 May 2010.
The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are co-sponsoring
the annual military/amateur radio communications tests in celebration of the
60th Anniversary of Armed Forces Day (AFD). Although the actual Armed Forces
Day is celebrated on Saturday, May 15, 2010, the AFD Military/Amateur
Crossband Communications Test will be conducted 08 May 2010 to prevent
conflict with the Dayton Hamvention (14-16 May 2010), which is the same
weekend as the actual Armed Forces Day. The annual celebration features
traditional military to amateur cross band communications SSB voice tests
and copying the Secretary of Defense message via digital modes. These tests
give Amateur Radio operators and Short Wave Listeners (SWL) an opportunity
to demonstrate their individual technical skills, and to receive recognition
from the Secretary of Defense and/or the appropriate military radio station
for their proven expertise. QSL cards will be provided to those stations
making contact with the military stations. Special commemorative
certificates will be awarded to anyone who receives and copies the digital
Armed Forces Day message from the Secretary of Defense.
Military-to-Amateur cross band operations will take place on the dates/times
in ZULU (UTC), and frequencies listed below for each station. Voice contacts
will include operations in single sideband voice (SSB). Some stations may
not operate the entire period, depending on propagation and manning.
Participating military stations will transmit on selected Military MARS
frequencies and listen for amateur radio stations in the Amateur bands
indicated below. The military station operator will announce the specific
amateur band frequency being monitored. Duration of each voice contact
should be limited to 1-2 minutes. The following stations will be
transmitting on MARS frequencies listed below which are provided as
"Window/Dial Frequency" in kHz. Some stations will use CW to provide the
opportunity to check in by Morse Code
STATION: WAR (Pentagon) -- 08 May 1200Z - 2400Z
Frequency Emission Amateur Band
4020.9 kHz LSB/CW 80M
7314.0 kHz LSB/CW 40M
14438.5 kHz USB/CW 20M
27991.0 kHz USB/CW 10M
Complete details including listing of other military stations is at the
following URL:
The Pentagon MARS station is collocated with the Pentagon Amateur Radio Club
(PARC), K4AF. The station was recently moved and grand opening took place
21 Oct 2009.
Contest mailing list
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