Last Week's Contests: (Jim, KC4HW: Please cut and paste and send to
ACG reflector. Thanks.)
1. North American Sprint, RTTY Team
W4NZ 157 37 5,809 SOHP 4 TN TCG
WW4LL 152 36 5,472 SOHP 4 GA ACG SWACC#1 SO2R
KC4HW 130 34 4,550 SOLP 3.5 AL ACG ACG
K4IQJ 118 34 4,012 SOLP 3.5 AL ACG
KY4F 85 30 2,550 SOLP 4 AL ACG ACG
N4JIK 72 26 1,872 SOLP 2 AL ACG ACG
WO4D No Report FL ACG
Team Score: ACG 8,972 plus WO4D
2. Wisconsin QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mul Score Category Time St Club Notes
N4PN 149 120 63 26,334 SOFixHP 5 GA SECC
K4BAI 97 54 53 13,144 SOFixHP 3:22 GA SECC
W4UCZ 77 0 40 9,240 SOFixLP 5 GA SECC
3. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon
K4ZGB 144 46 7,310 SOLP 10 AL ACG
K4BAI 56 30 2,026 SOHP 2:39 GA SECC
W4NBS 35 20 926 SOLP _ AL ACG
W4HDM 27 18 722 SOLP _ GA
W4LDA 21 18 533 SOLP _ GA
W4CUX 15 12 381 SOLP _ GA
WA4OWA 15 13 303 SOLP _ AL
KB0ETU 14 12 242 SOQRP _ AL
K4JPN 14 8 192 SOLP _ GA
K4NVJ 4 4 51 SOLP _ AL
KC4FLT 4 4 21 SOQRP _ AL
K4UFT 1 1 12 SOLP _ SC
4. CW Ops, 1100Z
N4PN 40 29 1,160 SOHP 1.0 GA SECC
5. CW Ops, 1900Z
K1ZZI 58 52 3,016 SOHP 1.0 GA SECC
N4PN 64 45 2,880 SOHP 1.0 GA SECC
6. CW Ops: 03Z
K1ZZI 82 64 5,248 SOHP 1.0 GA SECC
7. NCCC Sprint Practice, 3/12/10
N4OGW 55 40 2,200 SOLP 0.5 MS ACG S02R
W4OC 49 37 1,813 SOLP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
W4NZ 46 38 1,748 SOLP 0.5 TN TCG SO2R
K1ZZI 32 27 864 SOLP 0.4 GA SECC
KY4F 32 24 768 SOLP 0.5 AL ACG
8. CLARA Contest
WX4MM 93 4 740 SOHP __ AL ACG
This Week's Contests:
1. QRP Fox Hunt, Thursday Night, 40M. 7030-7050. 0100-0230 (note UTC
time change; same local time as on Standard Time). 5W maximum power.
Work only the two Foxes. Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + Power. This is
the last QRP Fox Hunt of the Fall/Winter Season. Next will be a series
on 20M in the Summer.
2. NCCC SNS and NS. SNS Slow Speed 0200-0220Z Friday (Thursday
local). 20, 40, 80M. Max speed 18 WPM for first 10 mins. 26 WPM
Max power 100W. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name,
SPC. 0230-0259Z NS. Same exchange. Same rules except no limit on speed
and add 160M as a band.
3. 10-10 International Mobile Contest. 0001-2359Z Sat. 10M any mode.
Exchange: name + SPC + 10-10# + US county. Fixed stations work only
mobiles. Mobiles work anybody. No contest zone from 28490 to 28510 kHz.
4. BARTG HF RTTY Contest. 0200 Sat to 0200 Mon. 80-10M RTTY.
Exchange: RST + Serial # + 4 digit UTC time. SO limited to 30 hours.
WW4LL will have
a multi op entry in this one.
5. Russian DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW and SSB.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or 2 digit Oblast for Russian stations.
This is a big one and a lot of fun.
6. Oklahoma QSO Party. 13Z Sat to 01Z Sun; 13Z to 19Z Sun. CW/Digital
+ Phone. 160-10M. Exchange: RS(T) + S/P or OK county.
7. North Dakota QSO Party. 18Z Sat to 18Z Sun. 160-2M. Exchange:
RS(T) + SPC or ND County.
8. Virginia QSO Party. 18Z Sat to 01Z Mon. All bands except WARC
bands. CW, Ph, Digital. Exchange: # + SPC or VA county or independent
9. 9K (Kuwait) 15M Contest. 12-16Z Sun. 15M CW and SSB. Exchange:
RS(T) + serial #.
10. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon. 01-03Z Mon (Sun local).
160-10M CW. 5W maximum. Exchange: RST + SPC + FP# or power.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. Looks like
I need to work on my taxes and do some yard work. 73, John, K4BAI.