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[SECC] FW: SE Sprint Coalition CW Sprint Teams

Subject: [SECC] FW: SE Sprint Coalition CW Sprint Teams
From: kd4lcr at (Jeremy - KD4LCR)
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 16:19:45 -0600
Sent it to just Jeff again, sorry mail likes to default to the 'sender' for
the group. 


And for the record -- may have to get the Judge to read through the rules
and confirm this one but there is nothing showing a club circle rule or
anything else on the NCJ website, so I guess I am good to go.. ;)


From: Jeremy - KD4LCR [mailto:kd4lcr at] 
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 16:13
To: 'Jeffrey Clarke'
Subject: RE: [SECC] SE Sprint Coalition CW Sprint Teams



Curious to know is there the club circle rules are in effect on this contest
if not, please sign me up most likely a PT low power depending on what the
work schedule looks like. This will actually be my second CW Sprint so
probably not the best idea to put me in experts group, unless they are just
needing someone to fill in some points. hi hi..



N4JIK formerly KD4LCR/7J6CEM

Fort Sill, OK

Triple Play Award #327




From: secc-bounces at [mailto:secc-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Jeffrey Clarke
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 15:03
To: sesprint at
Cc: secc at; fqp at
Subject: [SECC] SE Sprint Coalition CW Sprint Teams


The NA CW Sprint is next Saturday night -


0000Z - 0400Z February 7, 2010 (Sunday of first full weekend in February)


If you are interested in being on one of the SE Sprint Coalition teams
please email me.

Please indicated if you will be HP or LP.



Jeff  KU8E




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