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[SECC] Welcome New Member K4JTT

Subject: [SECC] Welcome New Member K4JTT
From: halken at (Hal Kennedy)
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 19:15:04 -0500
On behalf of the SECC I'd like to welcome our newest member, Ricky
DeLuca, K4JTT to our club.  Ricky is located in Acworth and is "radio
active."  Only having been licensed for two years, Ricky is the current
Chairman of KARC, and is busy chasing DX and contesting.  He has been in
the GA QSO party, other state QSO parties and CQWW to name a few.  He is
also busy chasing special events and worked all the Route 66 stations as
well as getting a clean sweep in the 13 colony contest.  In less than
two years Ricky has WAS, is just a few short of WAS on RTTY, PSK31, and
single band 40 and 20.  Ricky's main focus is SSB and digital modes.
Ricky, those are modes the club could surely use more scores in - your
contributions will be most welcome.  Ricky is gearing up for NAQP SSB in
two weeks - K1ZZI will no doubt take note and put you on one of our
teams Ricky.  Please consider joining the SECC reflector if you have not
done so already.
Welcome aboard!
73, Hal
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