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Subject: [SECC] NAQP W4IX
From: jrcccd at (jrcccd at
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 11:19:21 -0400
Heard Mark, W4SVO, on 20 meters for several hours running like a madman!! way 
to go dude..See you guys in October at Ricks...John 

                North American QSO Party, SSB

Call: W4IX
Operator(s): W4IX
Station: W4IX

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    9     7
   80:   95    30
   40:  236    45
   20:  111    39
   15:   17     9
   10:   15     4
Total:  483   134  Total Score = 64,722

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC


Started out just wanting to get on and give out the SC mult to as many
competitors as possible, but as always, got hooked and tried to go 100%, but
had many issues that made it very painful. Had 5 ele on 10 meters that helped
me get 3 of the 4 mults on that band ( Thanks Don, W4OC, for the SC sweep ), TX
and FL were loud on 10 but not many participants, so around 0000Z I heard a bcn
from San Diego, so I went to 15 and found W6YI and moved him there and made the
Q, thanks for the CA mult on 10. Used an 80 meter Inv. L on 15 meters for a few
Q's on that band. I started using a 40 meter dipole for 20 meters but when I
heard my fellow SCer N3ZL beating me out in many of my S&P calls, I ran the
center feed of my 40 meter dipole only to a tuner and it seemed to work better,
so I grabbed as many 20 meter Q's as I could before going to 40, 20 meters is
horrible with low dipoles. The low 40 meter dipole worked ok for 40 meters
until later at night, then it got tough, 80 was ok from here even with lots of
static, could work anyone I heard but not alot of takers to my CQ's. 160 had a
few workable signals, but after 10-15 mins, none of the antennas I was using
with my tuner would load on 160 anymore, so I just went to 40 and 80 for one
last sweep and pulled the plug. Thanks to everyone for the Q's, also a Big
Congrats to John, K4BAI, rumor has it that he just passed his Extra class exam,
way to go Big Guy!! I have had it with just dipoles for these contests, I will
be taking care of that real soon, should have a yagi in the air real soon. 73's
for now. W4IX

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