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[SECC] Some notes on the 2009 ARRL DX SSB

Subject: [SECC] Some notes on the 2009 ARRL DX SSB
From: thompson at (David Thompson)
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 17:15:17 -0400
K4EA and N4PN placed 1 and 3 on 15 meters Single Band.

K4JRB placed 7th on 10 meter Single Band (in only 2.2 hours).  K4WI in 
Alabama placed 3rd.  Both K4JRB and K4WI ran low power.

N4XL placed 9th in SO Low Power.

K4AB placed 4th in Single Operator 40.

KU8E led GA High Power Single ops and K4BAI placed 3rd.

Many SECC/SEDXC members ventured to PJ2T and nearly doubled the second place 

Dave K4JRB 

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