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[SECC] Announcment, NCCC NS Ladder Event Thursday Night

Subject: [SECC] Announcment, NCCC NS Ladder Event Thursday Night
From: k4bai at (John T. Laney III)
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 08:19:31 -0400
The NS Ladder,  continues this 
Thursday 0230-0300Z(Friday UTC).  It's week 8 of our 14-week series. See for schedule.

20 m      14030-14045 (avoid W1AW at 14047.5)
40 m      7030-7045 (avoid W1AW at 7047.5 and PSK at 7038)
80 m      3530-3545

DUPES:  Same-band dupes allowed with 1 intervening Q (same band), or 
immediately if band change.
POWER: 100 watt limit.
SCORES: Report scores to <>

Newcomers Division: As noted last week, there's still time to compete 
fully in the Newcomer's Division. You can optionally declare yourself in 
this division if you didn't participate significantly in the last two 
years of NS Ladder.

For slower speed practice remember to join Mike, W9RE's Slow NS at 
0200Z, same frequencies.

Notes for this week: 
-- While XYL and I explore Tuscany next week, Ted, W4NZ, will be the 
Acting Contest Director and chief score compiler.

Comments on Wk 7 (June 5)
     --  Results posted at .
     --  A hearty welcome to Mark, NB1U and Dick, KB1H providing the 
contest with the RI and CT mults.
     --  We were also very pleased to have N5UM, N4GG and AD4EB 
participate in the no-dupes tests of a couple weeks ago and to have K5NZ 
with us for a week.  Also, KB1NRB, and our first European this year, 
     -- We invite all of the above, and anyone else with an interest in 
the NCCC Sprint Ladder or the NS to join the happy bunch on the NS 
Reflector, nccc-blue. To sign up, visit . Sign up and wait for 
W0YK to approve membership, usually very quickly.

       Top score in Wk 7 went to DanWaah, K7SS, 2628 points.That's 
within a gnats eyebrow of the Locust X Prize. Offcially the Locust X 
prize goes to the first station to achieve 2750 points in the half hour.
       N4OGW, Tor, is solidly in first place for the East of Ms Riv 
division, having been just edged out last year by W4NZ. Incredibly the 
next 4 stations in E of Ms. div are within 3% in score.
       Likewise, in both the Newcomers Div and in the NCCC member 
division, final victory is very undecided.  While W0YK leads in the NCCC 
division, Ken  N6RO has participated in one less event -- if you add 
Ken's average NSL score, then he and Ed are within a couple percentage 
points.  K7BG, who just realized he is a newcomer, now leads the 
Newcomer's division, just in front of K9MMS and N0KK, who are within 
0.5% or each other. But Newcomer's divison scoring is weighted toward 
the latter events, so it's still an especially open contest there. It 
can be won by someone who has not joined NS Ladder yet.

73 Bill n6zfo
Contest Director, NCCC Sprint Ladder


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