If no one else wants to use the club call, W4AN, it will be used by the
combined clubs Columbus Amateur Radio Club and Russell County (AL)
Amateur Radio Club at our Field Day site in Russell County, AL. So, we
will be W4AN 4A AL. If there is any objection, please let me know.
N1ND from ARRL HQ has clarified that it is OK for an Extra Class control
operator to use or supervise use of a club call in the Extra class band
without appending the call of the control operator. That had been my
understanding when I became custodian of the call, but W3BE has
published an opinion to the contrary in the QCWA Journal. Dan calls this
a "common misunderstanding." So, we may occasionally be in the Extra
Class band.
I have purchased new Extra Class study program at Dayton at the
insistence of KU8E (thanks also to WA4ILO) and I think this program just
may work! You'll know about it when I start to sign K4BAI/AE for a few
days or weeks. 73, John, K4BAI.