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[SECC] N1MM Logger for GA QSO Party - Thanks for info

Subject: [SECC] N1MM Logger for GA QSO Party - Thanks for info
From: Kt4zb at (Kt4zb at
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 19:18:49 EDT
Thanks for all the replys, they were a great help.  My test file for  the 
GA QSO Party in N1MM works fine except for scoring.  It will accept DX  calls 
with the exchange DX; but counts each first contact with a country as  a 
multiplier.  GA is not accepted and will not allow GA as a  multiplier.  It 
does correctly count each county abbreviation for a point,  no multiplier.  VE 
contacts work fine.
I know the scoring will be fixed after submission to GA QSO Party; but  
mults will have to be manually adjusted before a 3830 score submission.  
Will check the other loggers later tonight.
Thanks again - Jere
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