I encourage all to participate. This will be come the most fun half
hour of the week! 73, John, K4BAI.
The popular NCCC Sprint (NS) Ladder competition, now in it's 6th year,
begins this week, Thursday night, 0230-0300Z (Friday, UTC). Thirty
minutes earlier at 0200-0215Z we hold the Slow NS (SNS) at slower CW
speed of 20 wpm (W9RE).
In Summary .. .
-- NS Ladder is an envigorating LP (100 watt or less) 14-week ladder
competition based on sprint rules. Stations compete for in three main
divisions plus a category for NCCC members:
-- Description of NCCC Thursday Night Contesting:
-- Description of Ladder Competition:
-- Schedule: http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.htm
-- Score information (this year and 3 previous
ladders) at http://www.ncccsprint.com/results.htm
-- Logging s/w for NS:
-- RULES for NS Ladder, see:
-- Each NS Ladder session is a fast 30-min CW competition, this year
14 sessions on 20, 40 and 80 meters (40kHz from band edge) with 100w.
power limit. But you need only participate in 9 events to fully qualify
for awards, so plenty of time for those vacations, graduations, weddings
-- Ladder occurs most Thursday nights, 0230-0300Z
(Friday UTC). Last session is August 7.
-- Bands are 20, 40, 80 m CW around 14040, 7040 and
3540 (Please s p r e a d out!)
-- EXCHANGE: Serial #, Your Name, Section
--- (Mults are combined NAQP/Sprint,
i.e. NA States (include AK/HI), Canadian Prov, NA Countries
-- SCHEDULE, see: http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.htm
-- SCORE SUBMISSION via the WA7BNM score report form
at http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
-- Logs need to be saved but are not submitted in
unless requested.
-- NS Ladder Rules: see http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.htm
Changes from last year:
-- Awards based scores in 9 of 14 events for East, West
Divisions and NCCC; fewer (tba) for Newcomers Division.
-- Divsions:
E. of Ms. River (Canada, East of
Manitoba-Ontario border)
W. of Ms. River
Newcomers -- for those who have not
participated in NS Ladder previously, or have done so just once or twice.
NCCC Members.
-- Change for this year: You will declare
yourself to be in "Newcomers" division.
-- No use of packet or skimmers
-- Why would you want to participate in this "summer fun" event"??
Here are some of the purposes/goals of NS Ladder:
A) Experience a few minutes of contesting fun on
Thursday nights. . relax and enjoy (as per K7NV).
B) Stay in practice over the summer when there are fewer
contests. The ladder's unusual dupe rule keeps rates extraordinarily
high even under poor propagation conditions.
C) NS Ladder is a summer 'laboratory" for new antenna/
station designs: get into NS Ladder, establish a baseline, then put up
your 6-el 80m Yagi and see the effect on your score.
D) Only ladder competition in ham radio -- Provides a
metric for station and operator improvements.
E) Interesting rules, e.g. the dupe rule and band-mults
under sprint conditions.
F) Locust X Prize, an NCJ Subscription to first NS
Ladder participant to make 3000 points in a single 30-min session.
G) Snappy 30 minute format. The 30 min limit, with the
dupe rule, makes NS Ladder a true Sprint in the athletic definition of
the word. The 100-watt limit increases the fun for smaller stations.
H) CA wine prizes to the Division winners.
New to sprints or shy of the fast code speeds required?? Participate in
our Slow NS (SNS), run by Mike W9RE. The SNS is 30-mins prior to NS
Ladder at 0200-0215Z on the same bands, but with a suggested code speed
20 wpm. Try this one for a while, and when you are ready, add the
regular NS Ladder.
Please contact Bill N6ZFO, n6zfo at arrl.net <http://arrl.net>, or
another member of our MS Ladder BOD: Mike, W9RE; Howie, N4AF; Jim,
N3BB; John, K4BAI; Ted, W4NZ; Chris, VA3NR.
We hope to see many of you on this and subsequent Thursday nights.
73 Bill, n6zfo
NCCC Sprint Ladder, Contest Director
[We thank Ed, W0YK for his extensive work on the NCCC Sprint web pages,
and Bruce, WA7BNM and Dink, N7WA for weekly score reporting assistance.
N6RO,K6VVA, K7NV and others within NCCC have been major contributors in
formulating the concepts and details of the NS Ladder over the past 6
years, as have the members of the NS Ladder BOD.]